Long Range ShootingMarksmanshipPrecision Rifles Sniper’s Hide Recoil Management Explained Frank Galli Posted onOct 30, 2014 at 9:53 AM 1 Comments Recoil Management tells the Bullet where the barrel is upon release of the shot. It controls our zero in a lot of ways on top of some many benefits for the long range shooter
AccuracyLong Range ShootingMarksmanship Natural Point of Aim vs Your Wind Hold Frank Galli Posted onOct 30, 2014 at 9:51 AM 2 Comments See the video on setting up your NPA vs holding off with a Wind Call.
BallisticsLong Range ShootingMarksmanshipPrecision RiflesSniper Rifles True your BC and the Wind will Follow Frank Galli Posted onOct 29, 2014 at 9:51 AM 5 Comments Your BC controls a lot more than just telling us how it will react to drag, there is a bunch of information found in that BC number.