Gear ReviewsLong Range ShootingRifle Scopes

BigJimFish’s Meopta Optika6 5-30×56 RD FFP Scope Review

The shooter’s view behind the Meopta Optika6 5-30×56 RD FFP scope Table of Contents:– Background– Unboxing and Physical Description– Reticle– Comparative Optical Evaluation– Mechanical Testing and Turret Discussion:– Summary and Conclusion– Testing Methodology Background:             Meopta is an optics manufacturer located in the Czech Republic. They represent what is probably the most vertically integrated of …
AccuracyBallisticsLong Range ShootingMarksmanshipPrecision Rifles

Eliminate the Cumulative Errors of Precision Rifle Shooting

If one is “outcome-oriented”, an impact on a piece of steel smaller than the actual torso of a man is a wonderful feeling, especially when followed up by a rapid second impact. It was Predictable because we took an empty space at a firing line, occupied it with our shooting gear, loaded a rifle, dialed elevation on a turret and hit with a cold-bore shot. It was Repeatable because we replicated that impact. But to a great degree, we are not outcome-oriented, we are “process-oriented”, and constantly striving to improve our processes and, if not consciously, subconsciously we are eliminating errors, one-by-one, and grow as shooters.
Gear ReviewsPrecision RiflesSniper Rifles

PurePrecision Crux Custom Rifle and Titanium action review

Shooting steel at 1000yds with the Mesa Precision Arms Crux Introduction Note: Since the time of this review, Mesa Precision Arms has changed it’s name to PurePrecision. This was done because of a trademark fight and didn’t have anything to do with the product or people involved in making that product. Though, they have added …