
You prepare to take your first shot of the day at distance after checking zero. Zero was fine. You are comfortable with your ballistic data for the sake of this conversation. You pick a target at 800 yards with your 308 and notice that it is .5 mil wide. You make your best wind call. Bang (pew?). You see splash in the dirt .25 mils right of the edge of the target (.5 from point of aim).
What would you do hot shot ?
You have a few options now.
- You can record your shot data, wind call, etc.
- You can follow up your shot with a few different and popular techniques in order to hit the target on your next shot.
- You can move to a different target.
- You can go home.
Explain what you would do and why?
Recognize the Process
I would begin with the following question: what are you training? To me this is the critical question that should probably be answered before each range trip. Not only does it clarify what you will be doing for the day, it can also set parameters and establish a guideline for what you’re spending your time and money doing. If the answer is out to have fun then all bets are off and rock on!
If you’re training or trying to improve, then the answers are important.
My thoughts on wind training. I think that to train wind correctly you have to set a few strict rules. The first rule is that you need to know your Kraft data or understand the effects of build and break groups since you’re taking a single shot. Based on this you set parameters within which a bullet with a “good” wind call should land. Then you shoot stop, record, and assess if that round went into that expected zone. If you have to shoot several rounds then you do the same thing / hold to “group” your wind call but don’t adjust based on the impact you see; I think it would take massive willpower to do this if you were missing and its something I can’t do unless I am hitting the target on each shot.
I tend to use the first shot of the day as a wind data point and then everything after that is not real wind training. You know more information and as a result are training other skills that are also important but not real wind.
Follow Through

Follow ups are what I see most people doing when training wind. I consider follow ups a different skill than wind. Seeing the bullet impact the target or the surrounding area gives you information from which you can often correct and hit on your next shot. Seeing the round and moving the reticle or hold to the target is a skill that is important in many shooting outlets. Being able to correct is a technique that is emphasized in most precision rifle competitions and with enough skill can skip the requirement of wind calling and get you a high score. Correcting is not easy. Correcting is also not really wind calling. It’s much easier to train this aspect of marksmanship and as a result the standards for this skill in competition are very high.
Manage you Data

Carrying data is another skill that is difficult to master but easier to train than wind. Essentially it’s an upgrade to the correction element that requires you see information and then rather than use it on the same target repeatedly, you take that information to another target at a different distance and or direction. The data carry is a high level skill that takes a long time to master, but can be trained essentially anywhere and is only limited by your target arrays. Learning to carry data requires an understanding on the effects of wind angle and speed as well as distance and your particular ballistic characteristics.
These three categories often get lumped together but I feel are three separate skills that require training individually and in a way that doesn’t compromise the data and learning each can provide in a training day.
Other Considerations

The other skill that’s often overlooked is the techniques and repetitive use of equipment efficiently during the training day. Many people don’t bring this into the training and lose important repetitions and familiarization with all of the skills that lead up to your ability to take a shot. I think that any training session would benefit from identifying how and when this takes place because more often than not this is the aspect that gives a rifleman time and opportunity. Without time, opportunity and success are compromised.
As we discuss moving from 100Y into training at distance I feel that these areas have to be discussed and identified because there are optimal zones in which to train each area. If you don’t know what you’re training, then thinking about these skills as well as the distances available to train at might help make your training plans and goals clearer and easier to benefit from.
Next lets look at ways to train and get feedback from distance shooting without wasting time, money, and tears.
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