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Full Member
Nov 15, 2006
I just received a sweet little carbine by PWS. I am doing a long term test and evaluation on the PWS MK114. I mounted a TA31F ACOG on it and other than changing out the MILSPEC trigger that it came with to a Geissele SSA, I am running the gun just the way it came to me.

I took it out on the range yesterday, got a good 100m zero with M855 ammo, and then pulled the pins, sat the upper on my auto lower, and ripped six PMags through it as fast as it could dump the mag.

Not a SINGLE issue. I told Todd that I would punish the rifle, just not abuse it. We shot a few drills with the MK114 fully auto, then I ran my 10.5" N4, and my 14.5" Colt... to check the muzzle rise... and I must say, the PWS compensator is amazing.

I didn't get any pics or video, since we had a team in working with us. However, I will have a range day again on Monday. I'll show how it groups at 100m with the M855.

This is a "Long Stroke" Gas Piston gun... that operates like an AK. Todd told me it's basically an AR with AK DNA. Well, so far, I like!!!

Here's a few pics of me taking it out of the box.


It comes with the MAGPUL MOE Stock, Grip, and Flip Up Sights. It also comes with two full length "SCAR" type rail covers, and three short ones... I believe these are the Tango Down Rail Covers. The front rail, is unlike any out there. They are four individual MIL-STD-1913 rails, with the top forming an uninterrupted length from the upper receiver. It is also longer than the lower three rails, so you can put your front flip up sight further out. This is a 14.5" barrel with a 1:8 twist. It's chambered for 5.56, and the compensator is the PWS SM556 Compensator. They also spec it out with a Bravo Company "Gun Fighter" Charging handle... it's the "small" latch, and my personal preference is the large... but, it works fine with the ACOG mounted.

Re: PWS MK114

The fit and finish on this rifle, is flawless. The upper and lower are tight, with no noticeable "wobble". The trigger that ships with the rifle is a standard MILSPEC trigger, that leaves MUCH to be desired. I am SO used to shooting with Giessele triggers, that I have become a bit of a "trigger snob"... LOL


The buffer tube is also the PWS proprietary "enhanced buffer tube"... which does not use the standard castle nut. It also has two provisions for QD sling mounts... not shipped with the rifle.

Re: PWS MK114

The BCG is unlike anything I have seen on an AR platform. It is very light weight, has a great profile, and comes out of the upper like a normal AR BCG, with one exception. The charging handle is captured by the long piston.




Re: PWS MK114


The end of the BCG is profiled, and nicely contoured... no issues with carrier tilt here!


The bolt has a spring, and no gas rings... and looks like a normal AR bolt, with that exception.

Re: PWS MK114

This rifle will be used heavily at work. With each class we have, I will give this rifle to a student and have them run it. At the end of the class, I will collect feedback from each student, and compile a database for Todd at PWS. I am also keeping a detailed round count and noting any malfunctions, or stoppages that occur. I am also attending the "Train the Trainer" CQM / SDM course at the AMU in January at Ft. Benning. I will be taking this rifle to the course, and shooting the heck out of it.

So far, I have dumped 120 rounds through it, 100 of those rounds being fully automatic... and had not a seconds trouble.

The rifle ran fine right out of the box, without even a drop of oil on it.

I took it apart tonight, wiped down the BCG, ran a few patches through the barrel and put it back in it's case.

More information and pictures to follow after the weekend.
Re: PWS MK114

I've always liked the PWS long stroke piston system. Recoil impulse is much smoother than any short stroke piston system and doesn't suffer carrier tilt as severely as the short strokes. The only thing I wish they'd change is the rail. That proprietary rail is HEAVY. I had a 16" upper and the upper alone weighed over 7lbs. I suppose this helps somewhat with muzzle climb but I've got carbines with optics that weigh just over what the upper alone weighed. At any rate, mine was a range demo and everyone who shot it, from complete gun newbie to guys putting thousands of rounds down range annually remarked on how smooth the gun felt. Never did have any failures with it and I think I put 5K-ish through it in the year that I had it.
Re: PWS MK114

It's interesting to see your perspective on it. My initial impression was just how LIGHT the rifle was. You are spot on, with how soft the thing shoots... We have some Adams Arms conversions on a few rifles that my staff own, and my personal work mule is a Smith and Wesson M&P 15. We also have some standard Army Colt M4's, with the KAC rails, I also own a Noveske 10.5".

I have not weighed any of the uppers, compared to the PWS upper, but I think I will now. Just by feel, I was inclined to say that the PWS rifle is as light as my 10.5" Noveske upper... but, I may be out of my mind... LOL

This one is the 14.5" barrel... and Todd shipped me the standard civilian semi MILSPEC trigger. With one of my Colt lowers on it, this thing shoots soooooooooo soft and flat on full auto, it's a breeze to control.

I wanna see what kind of groups I can sling out of it, once I get the SSA trigger in it. Gonna run some M855 through it for accuracy, then some 55 gr TAP, 75 gr TAP, 69 gr Winchester Ranger, and some of the 77 gr Black Hills. I think it will be as accurate or better, than ANY of our carbines that we have.

I have anywhere from 1500-2000 LEO's come through each year. So, I will get tons of feedback from this rifle... at the end of the year, if I like it, I may purchase one for myself.

I'm really digging their little Diablo... that thing looks SWEET!!!

Re: PWS MK114

I will be out on the range tomorrow... so, I will take some video of the MK114 on full tilt, to show how the compensator works. I will also shoot for some decent groups... stay tuned!
Re: PWS MK114

Ok... as promised, here is a range report. It was cold today... and very windy. I broke out the PWS MK114 and ran a few M855 rounds through it to warm it up. I passed the rifle around to several of my staff, did some up drills, failure drills, tac mag changes, emergency mag changes, and just normal carbine drills.

Re: PWS MK114

Once we were finished playing a bit... I went out to 109 yards... 100 meters... and put five M855 rounds through it, off of a bag rest, laying prone. This rifle has a MILSPEC trigger in it, Semi Auto, as comes from PWS. The MILSPEC fire control group is NOTHING to write home about, but I was able to pull out a decent 5 round group, at 100 meters... on a 6" Shoot and See. The Sight is an ACOG TA31F and it was VERY windy today.

Todd is sending me an SSA trigger group for this puppy... so, stay tuned. I plan on putting one of my 10x SS's on here, and laying down some serious groups, to see how this barrel shoots.

So far, I like!!!!

Re: PWS MK114

I will be putting a Giessele SSA trigger in this carbine on Friday. Once I get that in there, I'm gonna put one of my 10x42 SS's on and run some match through it to see if I can get some decent groups out of it.

I think it will do fine!

Stay tuned!
Re: PWS MK114

I just got the same but in the 16" barrel profile and i am in love. It is truly one of the best AR platforms i have shot. The long stroke system is genius to say the least. I fed it everything i could possibly feed including PMC Bronze, Wolf, Brown Bear, Silver Bear and there was not a single malfunction of any kind. I cant wait to see the reviews on the 308/7.62 they are coming out with the same long stroke piston setup.
Re: PWS MK114

I am working with Todd now, about producing a long stroke "precision" .308 platform, and PWS is interested in some input. I would love to see it with a 20" barrel, match chamber, long stroke piston, Giessele SDM trigger, Magpul PRS stock, Atlas Bipods, and a good headspaced BCG... that would rock.

I think the 14.5" 5.56mm with a good Giessele trigger, and an ACOG is the perfect all around carbine.

Now, if I could just get them to make me one in a 6.5 Grendel... a man can dream.

More video and pics will be coming soon. Gonna do some accuracy tests, ammo tests, and let several of my students run this beast in our patrol rifle class / three gun classes coming up.

Stay tuned!
Re: PWS MK114

Ok, got home this evening, and a little brown box had arrived from PWS. Inside was two nice tan shooters hats, and a Geissele SSA trigger.

Took me less than five minutes to install it, got it all lubed, and put the upper back on the lower.

Dry firing, the first stage feels a bit heavier... don't know if that's the actual term I wanna use... but, a bit more "noticeable" than my RRA two stage match trigger I have in my SPR. The second stage breaks nice and clean, but feels a bit "longer" than the RRA trigger.

How can I describe it to someone that has never used it... the first stage, you can feel tension on the take up... it's more noticeable than the RRA. I know that you can bend the springs a bit, to lighten the pull weight, but honestly, for this rifle, it's a non issue.

Now, the second stage, compared to the RRA... well, the RRA feels a bit lighter as well. I have no trigger pull weight gauge... but, going off of my finger, the RRA seems like it moves less to break. The reset on both is almost identical. The RRA resets perfectly, but, on the SSA, I find myself blowing past the reset point. This is dry firing only. I have yet to run this on the range.

I am skeptical of the RRA trigger. It's just not built as sturdy as the SSA trigger is. All of this is subjective as well. I will have to say, for this PWS Carbine, being a "fighting" style rifle, the SSA is perfect for it.

Re: PWS MK114

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all that are following this thread. I hope the holidays bring you and your families great things...

We finished a Tactical Carbine Course with one of the local City Police Departments, and I offered this rifle up to one of my instructors to use in the course. I missed the first day of the class, since I had other commitments that day.

I asked him to provide his feedback, on how the rifle ran. He told me that he put approximately 500 rounds through it, completing the normal routine drills that we run. He was running M855 and 55 grain TAP rounds, with zero issues at all. He raved about how he liked the SSA trigger, compared to the MILSPEC trigger that originally came with the rifle.

I also have since added the MAGPUL AFG on this rifle, since I have not used it in the past, and wanted to get some hands on experience with it. He told me that he really liked the hand position, and the way it indexed his grip.

One of the only negative comments that he came up with, was the quck release on the buffer tube. I was letting him use my Diamondback Tactical Plate rig, which uses a tether mounted sling system. During transition drills, the quick release on the buffer tube came in contact with the magazines on the chest rig, and the rifle popped off.

I was concnerned with this, since this is the first rifle I have ever ran quick disconnects on. I am using the TROY Industries QD swivels, one mounted to the rail in the 9 O'clock position, the other back on the left side of the buffer tube.

When I joined the class, I fell in line, and was able to run the rifle. Immediately, I started having double feeds with it. I was using the 55 grain TAP rounds, and had zero idea why it was happening. I switched out magazines, and it still happened.

I took the rifle apart, to find that the claw on the extractor had broken. It was not fully grasping the rim on the cartridge case to be able to extract.

In 24 years or so of running M16's / AR platforms, this is the first time this has happened to me. I have no clue why this happened, but it did none the less.

I pulled out my armorer's kit, and switched out the extractor. I used a standard Colt extractor, with a Wolf Spring, Black insert and O-ring, and put the rifle back together.

I then put my Colt automatic lower on it, and ripped a few mags through it to see if it would function... and it did... perfectly.

So, a $10 part, grounds an exceptional rifle... who'd a thunk it?

So, back to the firing tables. The rifle runs so very soft. It's very easy to stay on target during failure drills, with VERY fast split times between rounds. I find that the rifle shoulders better than any other carbine I have run, even my shorty N4. I'm probably just enamored with the "newness" of it, but I like the weight, and how it points. Adding the AFG on the front, really helps this rifle point.

As we started moving into running engagements and weapons transitions, it happened to me as well. When I transitioned to my Glock, the rifle hit the QD somewhere on my armor, and POP... fell flat to the ground.

I tried to get the rifle to repeat it, by manually trying to bump it against my chest rig, but could not get it to do it. So, I continued as normal... and POP... it did it again.

Now, I am looking at other sling mounting options.

I run a Diamondback Tactical Advanced Warrior Fast Attack Plate Carrier (that sure is a mouthful) with a tether style attachment that runs diagonally across the back of the plate carrier, over my left shoulder. It has a fastex buckle that attaches to a nice loop that attaches to the QD swivel. It's a solid system that I run on my other AR's, but I use that MAGPUL ASAP rig, and the mount is solid.

When I transition to my handgun, I allow the rifle to lower to my left side, away from my handgun holster, and allow the rifle to hang there. I am right handed, and carry my handgun either chest mounted, or on a drop holster on my right leg. So, this places the rifle in a precarious position that makes it easy to pop the QD swivel and release the rifle.

I am concerned with this, since I do a lot of rappelling and fast roping, and would hate to have this thing tumble to the ground. It might crack my ACOG...

So, I reported these issues to PWS, and they said they would ask around to see if anyone else was having issues with the QD mounts on the buffer tube.

Once I get a solution, I will let you all know. So far though, the rifle is amazing. VERY accurate, and is a dream to shoot. Murphy is always around though... so I am trying to find ways to make him rear his ugly head with this carbine. That's what hard use testing is all about.

This is my first PISTON carbine, and other than the extractor breaking, and the QD issue, I have zero things to fault it for.

We are putting on an Advanced Carbine Class at the end of January. After the holidays, more pictures, video and accuracy testing will follow.

Stay tuned...

~ Darren
Re: PWS MK114


I just sent you a PM in reference to this. I included my phone number in the PM. Give me a call if you like, and I will personally give you a run down of what I like / dislike about this rifle.

So far, my dislikes are very very very few. More to follow, after next week. I've been on leave over the holidays and have not run this carbine at all since the patrol rifle class.
Re: PWS MK114


If you get a chance, can you tell me exactly how wide is the profile of the forend rails at 3 and 9 - overall width left to right?

Also how much barrel length is there from the shoulder behind the brake to the front of the top rail? Got an SPR/M4 that needs at least 2.5 inches.
Re: PWS MK114


I just got back from holiday travels. Give me tomorrow, and I will take pictures of all you requested, with a ruler for measurements... and post them tomorrow night.

I will photograph all four sides of the rails, as well as how to remove them. They are proprietary... and are quite robust. I have removed my ACOG and re-installed it with VERY minimal loss of zero (less than the 1 MOA advertised). The rails are designed so that you can replace them individually if need be.

There are a lot of people that seem to complain about the rails not being "free floating"... but, I can assure you, this rifle is PLENTY accurate for a battle rifle.

I'm testing the 14.5" barrel, and it's able to keep a 1 inch group all day long, with M855 at 100m. I just installed the Geissele SSA before the holidays, and have not done any upgraded accuracy testing. I will within the week though.

What I find the most evident in this AR, is how soft it shoots. The recoil pulse has to be felt to understand. With the rifle firing on fully automatic, the muzzle does not climb. It is (I'm sure) a combination of the PWS Compensator / Brake and the soft recoil pulse of the long stroke piston design.

Stay tuned... I will post these pictures for you tomorrow.

Re: PWS MK114

Ok... I just took a ton of pictures, but I won't be able to post them until tomorrow night. However, here are the measurements so far.

From the tip of the PWS compensator, to the leading edge of the tip rail = 5 1/2 inches

From the base of the threaded portion of the PWS Compensator to the leading edge of the top rail = 3 5/16th inches

PWS Compensator total length = 2 3/16th inches

Width of rail from left to right (3 to 9) = 1 3/4 inches (from top of the 3 o'clock rail, to the top of the 9 o'clock rail)

Total length of the top rail = 10 11/16th inches. This is from the leading edge of the top rail, all the way to where the top rail buts up to the upper receiver. The top rail fits flush, on the same plane as the upper receiver, however, the top rail does not end at a 90 degree angle. It has sort of a 45 degree angle, down towards the upper receiver. I will show this in the pictures. I can mount an A2 handle with zero issues from the upper to the rail, I can co-mount an EOTech, or my ACOG, with no issues. So, the 45 degree angle of the top rail, is only cosmetic, and seems to have no issue what so ever with the function.

Length of side rails and bottom rails (these three rails are identical and are interchangeable) = 9 3/4 inches

Length of usable rail on the sides and bottom rails = 8 7/8 inches (22 slots)

So, that is as precise as I can get, without removing the rails. More to follow tomorrow.
Re: PWS MK114

That's already some fabulous info, even without the pics! Many thanks for doing that!

I need to measure and compare my truck rifle - all I have in the house right now is a VTac with it's round forend - but that rail width measurement sounds pleasantly slender. Very attractive.
Re: PWS MK114

Chainring... I got home tonight, with all the best intentions... but I am SMOKED. I left my camera at work, and well... if you don't mind, I will get the pictures up tomorrow. I apologize about that.
Re: PWS MK114

Ok, as promised... here are those pictures. I've been SLAMMED at work, with call outs, staff briefs, etc... but here ya go. If you want anything in specific, please ask me. I'm testing this gun hard, and logging everything. One of my instructors is taking it to the Army Marksmanship Unit next week. He will run this 14.5 inch MK114 through the CQM and the SDM course. So, he will be shooting from arms length, out to 600m with it. The optic is an ACOG TA31F, and the only other two "mods" I have done, is a Geissele SSA trigger, and a MAGPUL Angled Foregrip. I've also added some ladder type rail covers just to keep the rails protected.

So far, I have nothing but a broken extractor claw to report. Pictures and video from the AMU will be posted, after his return from the course.




Re: PWS MK114

This is the first Generation AFG from Magpul. As you can see, it's WIDE and contacts the rails. The rails on this PWS are narrow, so that's why I have some un protected rails here. I will order the GEN 2 AFG to put on this, and move this AFG over to one of my other AR's. Since running this AFG, I have grown to like it for body index.



Re: PWS MK114

Here she is. PWS MK-114. Total rounds through the carbine to date... 1450. The only stoppage I have had, were a few double feeds, and failure to extract. This showed up starting at round 1245. This was due to a broken extractor claw. Extractor was replaced, as noted in my post... and not a single other malfunction. PWS has been made aware of this issue, and they have looked at the batch of extractors that were used during the run of this serial number batch. I feel very confident in PWS making it right, if needed. They offered to send me an entire new Bolt Carrier Group, but I declined. Things like this happen.

This rifle will be run HARD during the month of February. As stated, it is going to the AMU at Ft. Benning, and I will have a detailed report upon completion. Stay tuned. If you all have any questions, or would like to see any sort of data, let me know.


I've even been doing a lot of rappelling and fast roping with this carbine... It's been good so far!


Re: PWS MK114

Those are beautiful, thanks!

You know, I've not seen anyone bragging about it, but the rail width on that is extremely NARROW! A full 1/2 inch narrower than my LWRCI. Narrow is good. Sorely tempted to try a 14.5 with my SPR-M4 mount pinned on it.

ETA: Holy smokes, that looks like fun!
Re: PWS MK114

CR, another thing I have seen just reading the various forums... was that most people want to gripe about the rails not being "free floating". Well, I can assure you... these rails are rock solid. There is zero torsional twisting, no movement at all. That front gas block is like a brick house.

You can see the five shot group I ran, off a bag, with the crappy milspec trigger, and M855 at 100 meters. I will take that all day long!

This is a battle rifle. A battle "type" rifle... and is very balanced. It shoulders and points very well, and is easy to move from target to target.

When it comes back to me, I will do some match rounds through it, now that it has an SSA trigger. I am confident that my groups would be better. I don't see a single issue with this rifle. The recoil pulse has to be felt, to understand. It is a VERY soft shooting rifle. Much like my 20" rifle length DI gun, without the "twang" feeling that you get from a rifle length gas tube. It's just a really cool design.

I also want to stress... I do not receive any kick backs from PWS, nothing. I'm just lucky to have the chance to run this gun and beat the heck out of it. I think you will feel the same way I do after you shoot one.

Re: PWS MK114

Here are some pictures of the broken extractor that I referenced in the post I made about the rifle double feeding, failing to extract. Notice how the claw broke, only leaving a small portion of it behind. This is the first time I have had this happen to me.

I put a new extractor on the bolt, and have not had a moment's trouble since.



Re: PWS MK114

Hey there... yeah, it is a small world. I'm using some of the ranges at work. It all depends on what we are doing. That picture of me running the carbine was done on Pistol One North... My course of duty takes me all over the place.
Re: PWS MK114

Ok, Update...

I did not get to go to the AMU for the class this week, due to TDY issues, and us training with the US Marshal's Service. However, I did give the PWS MK-114 to one of my Instructors who took it up to Ft. Benning with him. He is using the rifle this week, in the SDM portion, and will use it next week in the CQM portion. I spoke with him last night, and here is a preview of what he told me.

He said that the gun is running flawlessly. Not a single issue at all. The AMU has given them 77 grain MK262 to shoot, so that is what he is using. The PWS runs it like a top.

His issue is with the ACOG. He does not normally run an ACOG, so this is his first outing with it. This rifle has a TA31F on it. The BDC on the TA31F is set up for the 62 grain M855 out of a 14.5 inch barrel. This PWS is a 14.5 inch barrel, with a Geissele SSA trigger in it. The heavier bullet is throwing off his point of impact a bit.

The rifle was zeroed by me, at 100 meters, before he left. I zeroed it with M855.

He said that at 100 meters and 200 meters, the rifle was rocking. At 300 meters, he noticed a distinct shift in POA / POI. In as much, he had to re-zero.

Today, they were shooting out to 500 meters, and he said "1SG... the ACOG is a bit WONKY". I laughed. I asked what he meant... he went on to say, "it's almost impossible to make accurate wind calls with the ACOG out at that range. I mean, the stadia lines are set for 19 or 20 inches? The width of a man's shoulders? Ok, that's all fun and such, but... how do I hold accurately?"

I knew he would run into this issue, I just wanted him to see for himself and overcome it.

The ACOG is a great all around sight, but it is not a precision optic, and never was intended to be. I told him to suck it up, and drive on. The intent was to see if the PWS Mk-114 set up the way we are running it, would be able to complete the Army Marksmanship Unit Squad Designated Marksman course as well as the Close Quarters Marksmanship course. All with one rifle.

So far, it's doing it with aplomb.

More to follow upon his return. His assignment is to dissect the training, and tell me the strengths and weaknesses of this setup.

Stay tuned...
Re: PWS MK114

I apologize all... I have been VERY busy at work. I have more data to share based on this rifle. Cliff note... it ran flawlessly up at AMU, with zero issues. I just finished our Multi-Weapon Operator Course and allowed several students in the course to run this rifle. Every single one commented postitively on the rifle. We had some issues with it feeding M193 rounds, but this ammo was also causing issues in the department issued Colt's as well as Smith and Wesson, DPMS, and a few other rifles.

With all other ammo used, there were no problems at all. A total of 2,000 rounds were fired last week, with the only issues being failure to extract, due to the M193 casings seizing up in the chamber. Immediate Action was able to clear the stoppage, and this only happened a few times.

Pictures and Video will follow.

Mods to date:

Geissele SSA trigger
LaRue Tactical Handstop
Ladder Rail Covers

other than this, the rifle is as it came from PWS.

I want to paint this rifle SO badly, but this is NOT my rifle. I will return it to PWS as soon as my long term test is finished.

Total round count to date... 5,500 rounds, give or take a few.
Re: PWS MK114

Dmack, thanks again for the info...I just missed a chance to grab one on gunbroker for $1250....maybe they'll sell me this one when you're done with it!
Re: PWS MK114

There are deals to be had out there, I can tell you that. I am getting ready to test the 10.5" upper, as well as a 12.5" in .308 very soon.

As for this rifle... stay tuned. Tomorrow night, I will post pictures. I have a Sniper Team training with me this week. Tomorrow, we are on the Known Distance Range, and I am going to run them through some drills. I will shoot this PWS off of a bag rest, with 69 grain Winchester Ranger Law Enforcement Ammo (it's a 69 grain SMK BTHP) which runs very well in my 18" White Oak. I am also going to run some groups with M855 (green tip... 62 grain) and some 69 Grain Federal Tactical Rifle Urban... which is also a SMK BTHP (Law Enforcement Ammo).

This rifle has had over 5,500 rounds through it, I have not cleaned the piston system or chamber. All I have done is run a bore snake through it.

It has the Geissele SSA trigger in it, and an ACOG on it for optics.

I'm also running my 20" White Oak... but, that's another thread. As stated... stay tuned. Pics and range report tomorrow.

I've been SO busy lately. We've had a different team in each week training with us. This is my first chance to do some serious accuracy testing with this rifle. I may even put one of my 10x optics on it, to see how it runs for groups out to 300 or so.

I know it ran well at the AMU all the way out to 550... but, with the ACOG, wind calls are pretty much just SWAG's.


Re: PWS MK114

Ok, as promised... an update on the little Piston Gun that can...

I had a Sniper Team in this week and today we hit the Known Distance Range. Once I ran the team through their drills, it was time to break out my stuff and get some trigger time in.

I wanted to see how the rifle printed using the ammo that I shoot in it mostly. So, I took some M855 (62 grain "Green Tip") and ran the rifle through some drills... then, once the barrel was warm, I put the rifle on my bag rest, and tried to get a consistent aiming reference on the three inch Shoot-N-C target that was waiting on me 100 yards down range.

The TA31F reticle is not my idea of a precision reticle. It's great for combat accuracy, but for repeatable groups and wind calls, it leaves a bit to be desired. I know it's not designed for that, but I wanted to see how it would perform with this little gem of a carbine.

As you can imagine, those of you that have used the ACOG... This is the way it looks down range.


Now imagine trying to get a repeatable aiming reference point on a three inch Shoot-N-C ? Not easy...

So, I shot this three round group, with a dirty rifle, and over 5,500 rounds through the tube. Not bad for combat accuracy out of a piston gun...


I covered the three round group with a quarter... easily. The splash is the only thing you can see.


This rifle has zero problems hitting steel out to 550 as long as I am up to the task. It also is a hoot to drive in the shoot house up close.

Re: PWS MK114

Led... let me know what you think of it when you get it. IMO, the ONLY thing you need to do to this rifle, is to upgrade the trigger from the single stage MILSPEC trigger, to something like the Geissele SSA. It really brings out the potential of this amazing carbine.

I ran it all day today with the US Marshal's Office. Tomorrow, we are training Active Shooter, and I will be running SIMUNITION out of it.

I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Re: PWS MK114

Botach defense has had a few auctions on gunbroker. Last one was a dutch auction. 3 rifles available for $1275 shipped. Botachs customer service leaves alot to be desired (poor communication) but my rifle was marked as shipped today.
Re: PWS MK114

Unfortunately, I was not able to get any good pictures. However, taking the BCG / Gas Piston out of the upper, I dropped in a SIM bolt, and this thing eats 5.56 SIM rounds like mad.

The only thing is you have to clean the barrel well once you fire a few dozen... the plastic stacks up inside.

Glad your getting your rifle. I am anxious to see how you like it. I will be sending this rifle back at the end of the summer.

I'm gonna do another test on the 10.5 inch upper soon. If it performs as well as the MK1114, I will be in love!!!


Re: PWS MK114

The MK114 is loaned out to a local Police Department now... so, it will be a while before I add more to this thread. So far, this thing runs like a Swiss Watch. I have over 6500 rounds through it, without a single issue other than the extractor.

I haven't even cleaned it yet....

The LT at the Police Dept... said they were going to try it out this week. I asked him to log how many rounds they put through it... what type of ammo, and if they have any issues at all, to let me know what those issues are.

I have been running SIMUNITION through it... and it runs well on that. I will try UTM with it as well, as soon as our UTM bolts come in.

The only issue with converting the PWS over to SIMs is that you need a charging handle. The "Gunfighter" charging handle that comes with the rifle, is captured on the operating rod.

No biggie.
Re: PWS MK114

I've been out of the net for a while...

Here's an update. So far, I have over 7,000 rounds through this rifle to date. Not one single malfunction outside of the broken extractor claw early on.

This rifle will STILL lay down a 5 shot group, of less than 1 inch at 100 yards, with match ammo, and continues to run and run.

I am now a proud owner of a 10.5" MK110 and have fallen head over heels in love with it.

Everything that I loved about the MK114 is even BETTER with the MK110.

I will be taking possession of a 12.5" MK2112 soon, and will run this in our LEO Sniper classes. I'm curious to see how it stacks up against my REPR or OBR.

So far, I am a HUGE fan of PWS! Keep up the good work!!!!
Re: PWS MK114

Thanks for the review and info DMack!

I placed an order on an MK114 and hope to pick it up in a few more weeks.

Any idea if a Magpul ASAP will fit on their Enhanced Buffer Tube setup?

I have really grown to love the ASAP and have been skeptical about the QD points on the PWS and read you and some others had experienced some issues with them coming off.
Re: PWS MK114


You have hit my ONE and ONLY fault with the PWS MK series carbines. I am a VERY hard use tactical instructor... and this rifle has been passed around like a two dollar hooker.

The ONLY fault I have with it, is the QD mounts on the buffer tube assembly. Now, granted... the PWS "Enhanced" Buffer Tube is Battle Tank Tuff... and I really like how it's made, and attaches to the lower receiver without a castle nut, but what I don't like is that I can not use my beloved MAGPUL ASAP sling adapter.

I have talked with Todd Tuttle in great detail about this. When I run this rifle on the range, doing transitions, I have had it jettison on me a few times. I also have it topped with an ACOG, which makes dropping the rifle even less attractive.

I've been running a "Tactical Tether" over my left shoulder, and using a mash hook into a TROY QD swivel on the left side of the carbine. This is not optimal, but it seems to be working.

I put a MAGPUL RSA on the top rail, down near the end of the rail, for when I run a two point sling.

I use a bungee cord to secure the rails to my vest, when I am rappelling or fast roping.

This MK114 has over 8K rounds through it, with only a broken extractor very early on. Accuracy is amazing, and it runs like a Swiss watch.

I'm doing a test now on the MK110 with the 10.5" barrel. All in all, it's my absolute FAVORITE carbine to date. I'm working on a few professional quality videos of me and my students running these rifles.

These rifles seriously have to be shot, to be appreciated. The Customer Service at PWS is also second to none. Top notch kit!

Best of luck with your new PWS MK114 Brother. I know for a fact you will love it!


Re: PWS MK114


PWS is sending me a MK212 now to evaluate. Here is my goal with this rifle. Todd tells me that they are getting right at 2450 FPS out of the muzzle of the MK212 with Federal Gold Match 168 grain SMK.

I will put a US Optics SN3 1.8-10 on top of this 212, with a Geissele SD-E trigger and see what kind of groups I can pull out of it. This rifle has a "match" chamber, and the barrels are very accurate (from my experience with the MK1's...)

If I can get the velocity, and accuracy (T Zone hits cold bore out to 200 yards) I plan on using this little SBR to compete with in some tactical law enforcement sniper scenarios.

I have heard some nay saying about the way the PWS rails are anchored on the gas block on their barrels. Here's my take on it... that ONLY effects accuracy on the longer barrels, and if you are running a good bipod, to where you are cranking into the bipods to lock the rifle down. I can see how one could induce enough barrel torque to throw the groups a bit off, especially with the 16" barrel.

With the 12.5" barrel, and armed with the knowledge that I can't really push into my bipods... I believe this little rifle will deliver.

I have a LWRCI REPR in the 16" flavor to compare with... but I really really REALLY like the long stroke piston of the PWS, and how it operates.

Once I get my hands on the MK212, I will be sure to post my experiments with it. CQB is just a part of what I am involved with here. My main focus is with the Law Enforcement Sniper community.

I just think it will be fun to run a SBR next to some of the bolt guns (within reason) out to 300 yards, and see how it holds up.

Stay tuned!!!

Cheers Mates!
Re: PWS MK114

Wow, what a very thorough, and comprehensive write up on the PWS you've been hammering on. So much to take in and analyze.

Mr. Darren Sir, I'd like to thank you for the oppourtunity to handle, and test fire one of their fine weapons the other day at the Neptune Range. And also thank you for the PWS brake you so kindly endowed to me. Can't wait to give a go this weekend.
Installation was a breeze, and looks really nice on my Spikes 16" M4 LE Carbine. I was the younger fella out there, and my name is Luke. I enjoyed every minute of shooting and learning about their systems.

The PWS MK114 is a dream to fire, take his word for it fellas.
I have never handled anything smoother than that gun. It was a blast to give it a go, as was hearing all the things inperson he is telling us here. I will admit, it was my first time shooting a piston gun, and I gotta say, I was expecting some kind of hard recoil, or rise like you get outta an AK. Nothing really prepared me for what I experienced. Complete, ease of control, and very quick follow up shots. I will dedfinitely be looking into one sometime soon.

I figured I'd throw in a few pics of what I'm working with and let ya see how the brake turned out.










Thanks so much again for the opportunity to give her a go.
I think you've made a believer outta me, as far as piston guns go!