OK jr81452, You have pointed out a lot of things that I did not know about as to when this FREE phone thing started and how it goes down. I will give you that and thanks for the education.
I think this FREE phone thing really came about and crossed the lines when Obama pushed them out just before the last election he was running in[hence Obama phones] and it has spiraled out of control since then. Buying votes in my opinion.
There is a LADY? in my neighborhood that has problems and my Squaw and I do all we can to help her but it is taxing on my mind to put up with her shit.
What I do know is that the LADY?[who in my opinion is Batshit Crazy] and has a lot of mental health problems] that I help out, as I feel sorry for her and know she needs help, brought it to my attention that all of her text messages she sent to me were unanswered. I don't do texting on my flip phone and don't want to. All I want is a small phone that I can call out with to my neighbors and friends and the Squaw and does not take up half of my pocket. I don't give a fuck about text messaging. I pay for it out of my pocket.
The LADY? called and told me she wanted to pick me up in her car and take me down to get a new phone so I could answer all of these text messages she sends me.
I got in and down to the phone store we went.
She talked to them, I did not. Here they come with a fancy new fangled phone I could have for FREE, just take it. No questions asked. I do not want it nor do I qualify for it but it sure as hell was offered. Again, no questions asked as to eligibility.
Something wrong there.
She lives in Section 8 housing with the heat and electricity paid by some kind of Govt. dole She does not get any kind of help as to her mental disabilities and I think that is wrong.
I watched the Homeless/Bums in downtown Salt Lake City using their phones for whatever and don't think it was to call 911.
The old woman you mentioned in your scathing answer to me, If she is in a nursing home, what need does she have for a phone to call the front desk and get help?
I think this free phone thing, although in the best interests to start with, has gotten WAY out of hand, and is doing very little to help the people it was intended to.
Just my thoughts and feel free to flame away as I have very thick skin and probably a very shallow mind in your opinion.
Regards, Foul Mike
PS. Fuck those Bums and their phones. Hickory shampoos are in order.