quote from Lin Wood
"I have decided that I want someone to please deliver to me at Tomotley One Trillion Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes. Yep. $1,000,000,000,000.00!!!
I have a special room at Tomotley where the Federal Reserve Notes can be neatly stacked up for display to ALL visitors. I would want to share my newfound “wealth” with others.
Once delivered and stacked up, I want a visitor to ask me, “Wow, Lin!!! What is that incredible stack of Federal Reserve Notes worth???”
My answer:
“The paper it is printed on.”
Wake up, America. We The People have been played for too many decades.
It is time for America to face the TRUTH. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!

P.S. If you can print your own Monopoly money, you can keep playing the game until someone in charge says, “Game Over.”
We The People are in charge. We are the government. In our nation, we are a government of the People, by the People and for the People.
It is time for the game to be over."