So your solution is to hand everything over to them and just be done with it?
Don't get me wrong, I know we spat here in there in the past, but you have to agree that your last sentence is going to be a bit messy, and will take a bit of time to get to the end of your statement.
These people are evil but they are not stupid. They know how to play the game, they will start to split up what they see as core groups. Like the marriage article, exempt this religion and that. That is classic divide and conquer. They will continue to play the long game, and they have been playing this game for quite a few decades. All we do by turning our backs is make it faster, and assure there is no way out. You can also be sure that this or that state leaving the union is not going to happen. Does not matter if it is CA while trump is in office, or TX or FL now, it will not be allowed to happen.....there will be no peaceful divorce. A little like Oregon 114, they got some gun owners support for it as it does not impact them.....divide the hole, now we have fewer people to fight.
I know it is lost, what I am not sure of is the longer it goes will one side get stronger and the other weaker and what sides will be what. Personally I think time is on "our" side. The basic math is there are more of "us" then there is of them. And each election shows people are not going to take it anymore, be it Brazil, or the US. Personally I think with the history of Italy they really thought that would go a different way. I have a feeling it will not happen again. And you will see the same thing there that you have seen in other places from Canada to the south pole.
Personally I don't want that.....I keep telling myself it is not that bad yet....but there is a line that will be crossed and then the masses will take action. If you really research something like the Battle of Athens....even though I got the state wrong. That had been going on for a very long time.....finally there was one straw that broke the back. I have a feeling that former WWII vets really did not want to pick up arms against americans, once you get shot at you really don't want that to happen again, I know I don't.....but it was pushed just too far. We are very close, if you look at our last election and that small local one years and years ago you will see quite a few things line up. It will take more on a larger scale, but I think it will happen if things keep going the way they are going.
I guess I am still a bit ..... hopeful it can be fixed, I don't want to turn my back to it yet, I know what will form behind me and know that will be a very large mess.