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Glock trigger improvement options


Full Member
Feb 20, 2017
Not sure where to post this now that the side arm forum is gone. Still I think this forum has a good knowledge base for this kind of thing.
Looking to improve a glock trigger or replace. I don't want a competition style trigger, just a nice clean and crisp one that has less take up and is a little lighter than the factory trigger. I like the glock trigger face itself just fine. I tried a ghost edge connector and was not impressed. Too much fiddling with it to get it to run correctly and lost a ton of the feel in the reset.

Wouldn't mind if it was super expensive either but well see. I've been looking at the Apex one. Still learning about the internals of glocks. Ive oiled the factory connector and that seems to have made a slight improvement. Gun only has a couple hundred rounds on it at this point.

Reliability is super important.
The handgun forum is in "The Armory". "The Armory" ---> "Sidearms & Scatterguns".

All you need to do is dry fire it about a thousand times over the next month or two and it'll smooth out. Glocks are a service & combat pistol and are best left with oem fire control units.
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Minus trigger and polish for the cheap. Tried the Romney and hated it in my Gen 5; tried an agency arms in my other Gen 5 and I love it. The minus trigger option is good if you’re not looking for perfection. Otherwise most striker fired guns suck as far as the trigger.
Buffing wheel
Mothers mag polish
Physical labor

My gen 5 19 has about a 1.75-2.0 lb pull with a very crisp break and very short reset.
It's *almost* too light.
glocktriggers.com, They have complete drop in oem polished trigger units with factory oem triggers. They are a huge improvement, very smooth and crisp trigger break. And if you want a cnc trigger shoe go with lonewolfdist.com. They also make a bad ass cnc extractor.
Glock has come out with their own performance trigger earlier this year. It has the same basic operating principle as the Timney, but it fixes the couple of problems that the Timney has. The drop safety aspect of the Glock performance trigger is rock solid as compared to the Timney.
I've only had a single Gen 4 gun. Put a - connector in it and it went from shit to actually a decent trigger for a few bucks. I would start there.

Then I would go to Apex. Ive got Apex triggers in a few M&P's and they are all fantastic.

While I love my H&K's, I wouldnt put any of their triggers up against an Apex... Hell I might call a factory Glock with a - connector "better"... although I run LEM triggers in all my H&K's, the factory triggers were fucking terrible in all but the USP 9 Expert I had and that one was only "marginally" better than the rest.

My S&W 44 mags all have FANTASTIC triggers, but everything I have was from the hand fitted at the factory time frame or my "new" one is a performance center which I believe is also hand fitted.
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Overwatch precision.
I recently put an Overwatch Precision in my Glock. I like it quite a bit. My setup is all OEM internals, but the Overwatch Precision tigger bar / shoe. I had a "-" connector in with it, but the trigger felt a little mushy and the reset was softer. I put the standard connector back in and I like it better.
For the money, the double diamond trigger from the Glockstore has worked exceptionally well for me.

Now have them in all 3 of my Glocks:

Usually replace the mag and slide release while I’m in there too:


…as well as getting rid of the plastic guide rod; and typically the spring as well…just swap the whole thing out.


And some mag extensions while I’m at it, LoL:


…and a threaded barrel, stippling, etc. it never ends.


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"What are you going to do with it?" is also important info.

I tried a ghost edge conectonr and was not impressed. Too much fiddling with it to get it to run correctly

That line gave me pause, what fiddling is there when changing a connector? It really made me NOT post my suggestions. lmao
Ive oiled the factory connector and that seems to have made a slight improvement.

I recommend grease for lubing your Glock……sparingly.

Glock has a new performance trigger out now as well, if you can find one

Tried a buddy's the other day, it's definitely different than the traditional sloppy Glock trigger pull

Sadly, I believe they are Gen 5 only.

I have tried a bunch of connectors (even have one of the original glock 3.5lb from way back when) and different triggers, I recently returned all my trigger internals to OEM glock, added a vickers trigger shoe, and just worked on my shooting skills a bit more.

Two upgrades worth doing. The standard polish job on glock triggers that everyone is talking about. Google it up and just do it. Takes some time to do it right but it does help

I also like the feel of a flat faced trigger shoe over the glock OEM

I have this on multiple pistols at this point

Vickers Tactical Glock Carry Trigger Glock

The placement of your finger on this shoe is better, can't describe exactly why and you get to use all the OEM glock internals for reliability.
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Just got the new Glock performance trigger (arrived last night) and will report back on it. It’s supposedly stupid nice with no draw backs like the Timney so we’ll see
Sell glock, get M&P, issue solved.

M&P 2.0 9mm has a horrible stock trigger
I would have sold the gun it was so bad
I discovered the Apex Flat-Faced Forward Set Trigger Kit for M&P M2.0
was a pain to install, but amazing

The M&P 2.0 is now one of my favorite pistols to shoot. The Apex trigger was worth the almost $200, anyone I have let shoot it loves it.
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Not sure where to post this now that the side arm forum is gone. Still I think this forum has a good knowledge base for this kind of thing.
Looking to improve a glock trigger or replace. I don't want a competition style trigger, just a nice clean and crisp one that has less take up and is a little lighter than the factory trigger. I like the glock trigger face itself just fine. I tried a ghost edge connector and was not impressed. Too much fiddling with it to get it to run correctly and lost a ton of the feel in the reset.

Wouldn't mind if it was super expensive either but well see. I've been looking at the Apex one. Still learning about the internals of glocks. Ive oiled the factory connector and that seems to have made a slight improvement. Gun only has a couple hundred rounds on it at this point.

Reliability is super important.
Not a Glock guy but my BIL is, he had good luck with APEX, the owner Randy Lee is a good guy worked on my revolvers in the day.

Not sure where to post this now that the side arm forum is gone. Still I think this forum has a good knowledge base for this kind of thing.
Looking to improve a glock trigger or replace. I don't want a competition style trigger, just a nice clean and crisp one that has less take up and is a little lighter than the factory trigger. I like the glock trigger face itself just fine. I tried a ghost edge connector and was not impressed. Too much fiddling with it to get it to run correctly and lost a ton of the feel in the reset.

Wouldn't mind if it was super expensive either but well see. I've been looking at the Apex one. Still learning about the internals of glocks. Ive oiled the factory connector and that seems to have made a slight improvement. Gun only has a couple hundred rounds on it at this point.

Reliability is super important.
If reliability is important, DO NOT FUCK with it. Like 99% of glock malfunctions are becuase people fuck with them trying to add aftermarket parts. You can get a reduced pull trigger bar, but just shoot it. The trigger gets better the more you shoot it and is perfectly acceptable for a service pistol.
I've only had a single Gen 4 gun. Put a - connector in it and it went from shit to actually a decent trigger for a few bucks. I would start there.

Then I would go to Apex. Ive got Apex triggers in a few M&P's and they are all fantastic.

While I love my H&K's, I wouldnt put any of their triggers up against an Apex... Hell I might call a factory Glock with a - connector "better"... although I run LEM triggers in all my H&K's, the factory triggers were fucking terrible in all but the USP 9 Expert I had and that one was only "marginally" better than the rest.

My S&W 44 mags all have FANTASTIC triggers, but everything I have was from the hand fitted at the factory time frame or my "new" one is a performance center which I believe is also hand fitted.
Comparing the LEM. ( which is one of if not the worst trigger ever designed) to something like a VP9 is stupid. People really need to educate themselves.
@ OP. I put the trigger in and did some dry fire. Wasn’t blown away like I had hoped, but will give it a go and see how it improves over a little bit of time. At this point the best Glock trigger I’ve used is a Johnny Glock trigger. (I’ve tried stock, apex, Glock performance, and Johnny Glock). I’ll try em side by side soon