Gunsmithing Places to buy replacement Bolt??


Full Member
May 3, 2005
I have an older model Remington 300 Win Mag Sendero. It shoots very well and I love the gun, however Ive ran into what I believe is a bolt face problem with it and I may be needing to replace the Bolt if Im correct on the issue. I have never had to replace a bolt. I was hoping someone could point out a link or website that sells replacement Bolts. Are they available at the big online stores like midway, natchez etc, or do I have to call the Factory? Should I have it checked by a Smith before installing or is this just pop in a new one type of thing?
Thanks in advance for any input you may give.
Re: Places to buy replacement Bolt??

You can definitely buy a replacement bolt for your Sendero, PTG (Pacific Tool & Guage) is highly recommended & can be ordered with many options. You will have to have the headspace checked by a competent 'smith after replacement though. If you search the 6mm-284 remix thread on here you will see one of these bolts in a Rem 700 LA.
Re: Places to buy replacement Bolt??

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JACQ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">first off, what is the problem you are believed to be having? </div></div>
I was handloading and loading them long getting as close to lands as I could and was long like 3.638 withOUT much issues but bad group sizes etc then I got a few tough bolt closures, next outing out I went a lil shorter few at 3.620 to 3.630 a couple intermittent bolt closure issues but nothing major then went home cleaned gun noticed alot of brass shavings/ dust in the bolt face, cleaned it AND THEN THINK Im guessing here , i must of messed up the lil spring thingy that is par of the extractor because next outing I loaded down to 3.620 and couldnt even get the bolt closed on a round??? So started to force the bolt closed (maybe a mistake) then fired a few shots that same way Intermittent issues of bolt closure but great groups ( I mean a three shot group covered witha quarter at 500 yards.) BUT I WAS STILL having intermittent issues with a tight bolt close even with same OAL rounds at 3.620????? I theorized the extractor may be bent or malfunctioning sometimes and othertimes its not.
Re: Places to buy replacement Bolt??

If you are using reloads I'd check to make sure you are resizing them correctly unless you are only neck sizing them. The problem may be where the shoulder of the round is as opposed to where the bullet is. Measure your cases and make sure the neck is where it is supposed to be.

Is it still extracting spent cases? If so you propbably didn't mess up the extractor.

I doubt it's a problem with the bolt. And yes, you should take it to a gunsmith. Do you ever play poker? The old axiom is if you can't decide if should raise or fold you should raise, if you can't decide if you should call or fold you should fold. In most cases if you can't decide if you should take it to a gunsmith or not, you should take it to a gunsmith.
Re: Places to buy replacement Bolt??


Try a fired empty. If it still closes stiff, you most likely have a case issue. I'd still have smith inspect it.

My particular chamber will hang up on a big case above the belt before it shows shoulder movement, so check that too! Got fooled by that at first.

Either FL size til the shoulder *just* chambers or use a Redding body die and do same.

Re: Places to buy replacement Bolt??


Check the case about 1/8" up from the belt. If the diameter is greater than about 0.510", the problem is in the reloading die and the case. You can get one of the Innovative Tools resizers to fix the problem.
