I loaded some 175gn SMK's for a factory Remington 30/06 over the weekend. I couldnt find a load in my books or online for it so I checked several loads that used CFE and Varget in a couple calibers and made some baseline charges from that. Shoot a ladder test starting at 38.5 grains working up to 48.5 grains .5 grain at a time. Bullets were seated 10 thou into the lands with a clean barrel. None of the casings showed any signs of pressure, easy bolt lift and extraction each time. Shots were taken from supported prone at 100 yards with a 30 second cooldown between shots. Wind was not accounted for. Every shot was in a .98 inch vertical group. What have you all experienced with this powder? I figued some shots would jump around with a 10 grain difference. I havent Chronographed any yet, since I was looking for what the gun liked with the ladder test. What do you think?