Re: 5r question
I've been working on a load for my 5R with the 155 SMK's and it looks promising. The only major thing I noticed was that I can't kiss the lands reliably. If I seat out to the lands, I can push/pull the bullets out of the cases by hand if I try.
I just decided to try seating at mag length and it has been pretty happy with that, but I'm jumping almost 0.25" to the lands at that point. But, I have been able to get clover leaf holes at 100 yards doing that.
1-3 times fired, and sized to just bump with a Forster FL die, Win brass...
155 SMK, seated to mag length: ~2.810"
I have a node around 42-43 gr.
Then a second node around 45-46gr. so far with no pressure signs in my rifle.