After finally finishing this, I dont know if I would ever attempt it again...I am skilled when it comes to metal fabrication, but me and body work just dont mix!
Ran into all kinds of pitting as expected, just used acraglas to fill everything in, but every time I would fill in a pit a bubble would slowly form in the resin so when I sanded it down I just went straight through again. Must have glassed this thing 4 times before I got enough gone I was fine with it (theres still a few small pits I didnt get rid of, but afterall it is just a gun stock and it will work fine).
While I had it a mess I decided to texture it, this ended up being the easiest part of the job I was surprised. For those who havent seen the operation besides just pics I included a short video at the bottom. The texturing is covering up the majority of the pits.
My biggest challenge with this stock was the paint though. Ive done a few things (stocks, scopes) with KG 1200 air cure, and most went well...not this. I wanted to base coat it in FDE KG 1200 then spray black on the texture. Did that, taped it off, sprayed the black, peeled the tape....which also peeled all the paint off! This happened twice, I sprayed the KG directly over sandable primer, didnt do any sanding in between, no idea why I had such a problem with the 1200.
Reverted to trusty Krylon Camo, grabbed a can of Khaki for the base, and they had a dark brown which the cap almost matched my Razor color PERFECTLY! Sprayed the khaki, taped, sprayed the texture brown, holy SHIT...literally..the stuff looks like I wiped dog crap all over it, does not look anything like the cap!
Second time around went with OD base, then sprayed the texture black, then sprayed some OD over the black from about 2ft away just to give it some light color, I think it looks pretty cool.
Anyway heres the pics. Ill just post a before and after, and if you want to see the in between click here for album.
Texturing Video showing how easy it really is
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
And here is da poo poo
Ran into all kinds of pitting as expected, just used acraglas to fill everything in, but every time I would fill in a pit a bubble would slowly form in the resin so when I sanded it down I just went straight through again. Must have glassed this thing 4 times before I got enough gone I was fine with it (theres still a few small pits I didnt get rid of, but afterall it is just a gun stock and it will work fine).
While I had it a mess I decided to texture it, this ended up being the easiest part of the job I was surprised. For those who havent seen the operation besides just pics I included a short video at the bottom. The texturing is covering up the majority of the pits.
My biggest challenge with this stock was the paint though. Ive done a few things (stocks, scopes) with KG 1200 air cure, and most went well...not this. I wanted to base coat it in FDE KG 1200 then spray black on the texture. Did that, taped it off, sprayed the black, peeled the tape....which also peeled all the paint off! This happened twice, I sprayed the KG directly over sandable primer, didnt do any sanding in between, no idea why I had such a problem with the 1200.
Reverted to trusty Krylon Camo, grabbed a can of Khaki for the base, and they had a dark brown which the cap almost matched my Razor color PERFECTLY! Sprayed the khaki, taped, sprayed the texture brown, holy SHIT...literally..the stuff looks like I wiped dog crap all over it, does not look anything like the cap!
Second time around went with OD base, then sprayed the texture black, then sprayed some OD over the black from about 2ft away just to give it some light color, I think it looks pretty cool.
Anyway heres the pics. Ill just post a before and after, and if you want to see the in between click here for album.

Texturing Video showing how easy it really is
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
And here is da poo poo