Old school still shoots good!
My Pedersoli Quigley sharps in 45-90. I am still working up a load and went to the range and popped off some cast Postell bullets (530 grain) on top of 78 grains of Goex "F" powder. I had a one hole group going until I started pulling my shots after getting big headed looking through mu scope (100 yards). After I messed that up I blasted my last 5 shots and called it a day. The sun was way to bright and the target was dancing and looked like a blob.
A quick clean up with Balistol and back in the rack.
My Pedersoli Quigley sharps in 45-90. I am still working up a load and went to the range and popped off some cast Postell bullets (530 grain) on top of 78 grains of Goex "F" powder. I had a one hole group going until I started pulling my shots after getting big headed looking through mu scope (100 yards). After I messed that up I blasted my last 5 shots and called it a day. The sun was way to bright and the target was dancing and looked like a blob.
A quick clean up with Balistol and back in the rack.