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remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

jack campbell

Aug 20, 2012
Hi guys i'm in the process of looking for a new gun, my first big bore rifle. i have extensive shooting experience with rimfire and a fair amount with club and friends centre fire guns and i've come to the point where i find myself in need of my own for target (100-600 meters) and deer shooting.

I have been looking at either a tikka tactical or a Remington 700 xcr in 300 win mag. (i was tempted by the target tactical but not sure its worth the extra) i really only need comments on accuracy as to me this seems a topic steeped in ambiguity, which, with the best possible hand or factory loads will shoot the tightest group? and be the most fun

stocks are not an issue i have a friend who has promised to make me one out of carbon fibre to my specifications so am going to go the whole hog with bedding and pillars.

all comments on topic welcome
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

I own a Good Sample of Each Brand you've listed. This will depend on what your future plan is for the rifle. If you're getting this with plans to extensively modify the rifle for the future then I'd recommend the Remington as it seemingly has a unlimited amount of aftermarket parts/gunsmith support.

If you just want a out of the Box Factory Laser and be done with it, then I'd highly recommend the Tikka. For a Bone Stock Factory Rig there's none can compare in the same price range in Both Accuracy and Build Quality. Great Factory Action, Great Factory Trigger, Great Factory Barrel, and since you already got a buddy to build you a stock, you'll be pretty much set for a LONG Time to come! Good Luck either way!
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RMulhern</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Tikka's suck!! </div></div>

Can you elaborate?

As an owner of both, both can be great.

I have yet to see a Tikka T3 that didn't shoot very, very well.

Tikka action is very smooth and very rigid, they deserve more credit than they get - especially in a long action (since all T3 actions are long actions by default, they lose a little shine when chambered in a short action caliber.)

On the aftermarket parts thing, yes, there are not nearly as many parts as there are for a 700, but you can get all key parts as aftermarket now - which is a huge change from just a few years ago.

One note: many smiths don't do barrel work on Tikkas. If you have a prefered smith, talk with him, he might steer you toward/away from either.

Both make very good guns, both have advantages.

I owned a Tikka T3 Lite in 300WM, it was a boomer, very accurate, more than a little recoil. Tolerable, but not a bench gun for sure. The tacticals are better, especially if you plan to toss the stock and get something custom.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

Tikka's are great rifles however I'd revaluate the chambering. A 300WM is going to beat the crap out of you and cost a lot to shoot, not to mention there isn't much in the way of match ammo. You also don't need a magnum to shoot 600 yards, a 300WM won't do anything a 308 will until you get beyond the 1000 yard mark. You sure don't need a 300WM to kill a deer even if your talking about shooting them at 600 yards, once again something a 308 will do no problem.

If your state allows 223 for deer you could do everything you want with a 223 as long as you keep shots on deer within 200 yards. The Tikka in 223 is a 1:8 twist which means you can run the 75 and 80gr Amax's if you reload which extends its range beyond 1000 yards. You can also buy a good loading setup for what a 200 round case of 300WM match ammo will run you.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

Good points.

Black Hills match stuff is quite good. My guess is that Southwest Ammo's 300WM is good too.

I own a few 300WMs, none spend much time on any range less than 600 yards.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

tikka. but,as above,in any hunting config they offer,it is going to stomp you. 30/06 will do it but for AK moose and large bears. the truth is at my marginal skill level there is no need for any custom gun or after market tweeking. my scout will do .5 at least 2 to 5 times out of a 40-60r range session.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

The only negative with Tikka is the stock. And since you're immediately junking the stock, there's no reason not to buy the Tikka. The triggers need NO work. Sako barrels are the most accurate stock barrel in the universe. The actions are ultra-smooth. I'm faster with my Tikka bolt rifle tham I am with my semi-auto.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

For out of the box accuracy no plans to mod, I would go with Tikka I had a 25-06 t3 lite that was a real tack driver!
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

i live in England but still my country dose not allow .223 for deer, I always relish the kick and to me i dont see over kill its more like an insurance margin, lower calibre bullet travelling at higher speed flatter trajectory so less changing sights. just seems to me im eliminating as many elements from the equation as i can and its a cartridge i enjoy to shoot, .308 is good but doesn't seem quite me some how though admittedly i have shot more .308 than .300. still you have given me some food for thought thanks
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

wish i could but cant get semi autos over .223 with out enough of a good reason to warrant the home secretary's approval in my country and as they wouldn't give approval to our own Olympic team for their hand guns id say i have a problem.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

Nice gun, fond of those stocks. However i feel calibre is a personal choice, same as scope, i just prefer long cases with smaller calibres, ill go for a 6.5 swedish or a .300 over a 308.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shooterjack2009</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice gun, fond of those stocks. However i feel calibre is a personal choice, same as scope, i just prefer long cases with smaller calibres, ill go for a 6.5 swedish or a .300 over a 308.


On the flipside, if you intend on dressing and keeping the meat, the velocity of the 300 will do more internal damage than the 308 because it's designed for big game hunting.

Also, if you're justifying a 300 because it has less drop @600 and less margin of error, you shouldn't be pulling the trigger on a game animal at that distance. 600 is well inside the 308s effective range and if you're not comfortable taking a deer @600 with a 308 then you shouldn't be attempting it with anything until you are confident you can make a clean kill 11 times out of 10 in any conditions; nothing is worse than guys who hunt LR and laugh as the thing bleeds out for 15 minutes because of a bad shot yellin "woooooweeeee git em timmy! Look't um runnin! Nice shot boy!"

You choose the best cartridge to fit the animal, not the biggest baddest one that'll mask your mistakes.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

another +1 for the Tikka......my left hand 300WSM was a cannon, and sub-moa with any ammo i fed it.....also, i don't reload yet.....it did .5" at 100yds with off the shelf factory ammo
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mkollman74</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If it were me tryin' to do what you describe you'll be doin', I'd get a Tikka in 6.5x55 and restock it and be done. </div></div>

Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

Having owned both, I would go with the Tikka.

Smoother Action, Better Trigger, more accurate, etc.

I have yet to see a Tikka that didn't shoot, I cannot say that for some of the remington 700s that I have shot.
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

load down? sounds like a good idea would that just mean adding inert powder to the propellent? would there be any adverse effects like grit in the barrel?
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

i do have alot to learn about deer hunting im just a beginner but for ground game i prefer my .17 hmr, tissue damage that dose with 20gr is catastrophic however i don't need to aim for a body shot, due to its flatter trajectory it is child's play to calibrate for different distances, with my 10-50x scope i can head shot rabbits 11 times out of ten, tried and true up to 210 meters
Re: remmington 700 or tikka t3 in .300 win mag?

im fond of the bolt on the weatherby, not so much the pull but the ergonomics, also seems to handle itself well with a .308 round but even so i haven't heard many good things about its accuracy or reliability past the fact its simple and rugged.
hi jack you can't go wrong with a tikka tactical they are an accurate rifle out of the box. given that i have a 308win it shot all ammo of the shelf that i tried group inch or better. shoots clover leaf with custom loads.

Hi guys i'm in the process of looking for a new gun, my first big bore rifle. i have extensive shooting experience with rimfire and a fair amount with club and friends centre fire guns and i've come to the point where i find myself in need of my own for target (100-600 meters) and deer shooting.

I have been looking at either a tikka tactical or a Remington 700 xcr in 300 win mag. (i was tempted by the target tactical but not sure its worth the extra) i really only need comments on accuracy as to me this seems a topic steeped in ambiguity, which, with the best possible hand or factory loads will shoot the tightest group? and be the most fun

stocks are not an issue i have a friend who has promised to make me one out of carbon fibre to my specifications so am going to go the whole hog with bedding and pillars.

all comments on topic welcome
Since this has already been reserected............

For a pure hunting gun, Tikka is almost impossible to beat.... especialy for the money.

The issue is, long action calibers can not be dropped into a chassis and use AI mags.

If your going to stick with Short Action, than the tikka 100%
If your going to keep it stock, and run Long action, Than the tikka 100%
If you want to shoot tactical/LR Precision, Buy a TRG/AI/Or have a gun built on another action like Stiller/Defiance/Bat.

All tikkas are long action, but the long action calibers can not be made to work with AICS mags like most of the chassis/bottom metals want. Its the one downfall of the brand (other than berreta being cunts).
All tikkas are long action, but the long action calibers can not be made to work with AICS mags like most of the chassis/bottom metals want. Its the one downfall of the brand.

I've noticed this. I've been reading around and searching everything possible and I can't find anyone that makes a stock for LA Tikkas.

I am looking for a 7MM mag to build up a little so I can reach out to 1000+ (my goal is 1 mile) but I can't find any stocks for a T3.
.300 win mag. 700 Police , Thruster Brake, factory trigger , factory stock , nothing bedded, Badger rail and rings , NF 5.5x22x50

This is at 1202 yards with a 208 amax out if this rifle

In not saying this is the "normal" for Remington's by any means. Lord knows I've had my share of 700's that wouldn't hit the ground. My point is that if you do get one, you CAN hand load for it, add a few things like a new trigger, a bedding job, get the action blue printed, ect. I've had several 700's that with a finely tuned hand load , shot VERY VERY well.
The other great thing about the 700's IMO is that A SHIT LOAD of upgrades are based off the BDL 700's themselves. That to me is a way to justify going with a 700.
The negatives... Notoriously over cut throats, reamers are used far beyond what they should be (from a valid source) . You've got a 50/50 chance (as I like to call it) of picking up a real shooter or one big head ache. Because the throats are so long, you can't feed reliably from even the internal mag on some of them ( 2 of mine are single fed bc of this) because the bullets are seated out so long.
Positives : it's great platform to build with, most are , if not more , accurate than the shooter, availability of parts, good prices, pretty good customer service. Not the best.
I don't know squat about the TIKKA, but I've heard they are shooters. Just what I know about the 700's. hope it helps