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Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jul 19, 2008
just kicking around an idea, and will check with the admin of the hide if it's ok with them to continue if any of the below gains steam.

If anyone is interested in putting up a prize or two or gift certificate to your business, or something to that effect, shoot me a PM perhaps we can get these things sponsored in 2013 & a blurb or two of your business / products.

i was also thinking that perhaps having a money match, whether monthly, quarterly or even just once a year may be interesting.

nothing major, same targets and rules we now use either in the long range stuff or maybe the 50yd TRC, or we can make up a special one. perhaps $5.00 (or more depending on intrest) entry fee.

of there would be alot of trusting of one's word that the targets are shot at the proper distance, and on the day of the match.

just a few thoughts:

1. someone would have to be the "treasurer" (entry fees through paypal perhaps).

2. pick a date for the match, distance, etc. - no matter where you are at or the weather conditions, you have to shoot it that day.

3. maybe even a special dated target can be put up to make sure its the only one to be shot on that day, and released at midnight EST. scores & a mandatory picture to be posted by 11:59 pm EST the day of the match. (this should lock in a 1 day only target to keep everything on the up and up).

4. 3 "regulars" volunteer to determine any questionable / close hits on the target or score challenges. majority rules on the determination.

5. once the scores are compiled, the winner gets the pot. maybe even a 1,2,3 place winner. 1st place gets 1/2 the pot, 2nd place gets 30% of what's left, 3rd gets the remainder. to keep it simple, only 2 divisions - prone or bench, all shot outdoors.

6. in the event of a point tie, X count determines winner, if X count is a tie, a 10 round tie breaker on a fresh target.

any thoughts?
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

That would be a blast.

I have been working with a few guys here in my area to get a small bore sniper match in my area. A scaled down version of the sniper matches you see here on the forums, or around the country.

What ever come of this it will be interested to to know.
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

i was going to try to do a rimfire "sniper" type match too in my area, but got caught up in doing a centerfire steel match instead for 2013. perhaps next year doing a rimfire "sniper" one.

i was tinkering with the idea of creating a rimfire "sniper type" match sanctioning body type of thing - alot like the IDPA or Ruger challenge type of sancitioning body - reach out to all of these stand alone rimfire tactical / sniper matches being held to see if they would agree on a few standardized COFs, having to use at least 1 of them a year but never the same one twice. then perhaps there will be something that has a nationwide following and standardized matches held so everyone is on the same page. i think that'll open the door to having other places put on matches at their ranges too.

make up and get printed some scoring books, a website to list events, results, and rankings. a 10.00 - 15.00ish yearly association fee wouold probably have to be established to pay for both. thought of a name and some COFs that came right out of many of those matches presently being held. keep rules simple...2 divisions bolt action or semi rifle. 2 sub divisions heavy barrel or sporter barrel and a simple shooter classification system so that aces or beginners can compete against each others skill levels fairly - but on a national basis.

heck it worked for NASCAR back in the day

between the centerfire steel matches, the silhouette program, and a few other things goiing on i have a few too many irons in the fire right now. perhaps in 2014 the TPRA ( Tactical / Practical Rimfire Association as i was thinking of a name) may become a reality, there's still alot of homework to do on it.

don't know how you guys would feel about something like that, or if it's just a goofy idea not worth pursueing any further.
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

will do, again a little on the back burner with the local sniper / tactical type matches. i'll add you to "the list" of interested folks to do the real thing.

just hoping to generate some more interest on the internet matches here with the OP.

i still consider the ones here to be Joe Martin's baby, as he truely deserves the credit for them.
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

That is what some of the guys up in my area were thinking. Go out on some private land that we have and set targets up from 25 yards out to 300 yards. The targets are at a known size, so the guys can range them, and then fire.

The few rules we came up with...

No shooting mats
No spotting scopes
No laser range finders
1st shot hit 10pts
2nd shot hit 8pts
3rd shot hit 5 pts
4rd shot hit 2 pts
Limit to 6 shots per lane, with a possible of 30 points per lane. Have 3 targets in each lane, the further targets have a multiplier on them to up the score, but are smaller targets as well.
Once a target is hit, it can not be shot again by shooter
Wrong target hit - 15pts
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

ABsolutely! Connecticut is only 6 hours away, you throw in some camper space and I am there. One thing I would like to add...if it is precision rifle, I could see the limit . of gear aka spotting scopes. But rimfire in this case is also training. And if you are going to run a "Sniper" course of fire, then it should be entered with 2 man teams...sniper/spotter. Gear included,sans range finder.
Re: Sponsor or do a $ match for the rimfire comps?

wow, thanks for the replies on a rimfire only sniper match. i'll definately be looking to doing that at my club in the future (2014).

of course the centerfire one can be done with rimfire if you choose, but i think a rimfire only one would be the better as a COF would be more specific and entertaining for rimfire only.

what's your opinions on an online $ match here as described above?