Re: Thanks Alessi
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It was good of them to honor the warranty, no less than what I would have done, to honor the commitment of their departed father. But what they're putting out today isn't what Lou did. That was my point. I got my first Alessi holster back in '85, but I wouldn't put any money into what they produce these days. Really, it seems to be about on a par with Tagua.
I know that it's probably tough on you here, hanging out with all these luminaries, so you get a bit crusty, edgy, and defensive, especially about your proclivities. But wouldn't your time be better spent otherwise?
So, tell me, do they like Cheetos?
<span style="font-weight: bold">ETA:</span>
It's a good thing that I thought to screen-cap it. Folks were wondering why it was that the ad got flagged for removal right after I posted the link.
Veer the fat f&ck making constant derogatory comments about fat people:
<span style="font-weight: bold">There are a number of religious prohibitions in Sikhism.
Prohibited are:
Worthless talk: Bragging, lying, slander, "back-stabbing", etc. are not permitted. The Guru Granth Sahib tells the Sikh, "Your mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others. Your service is useless and fruitless."[53]
</span> </div></div>
The concept that you're talking about is called "nindeya."
If you're really so worried about my Sikhi and my spiritual health, perhaps you'd drop the attacks on my appearance and my practice of it.
You had no real dog in a discussion of Alessi, and my sole comment was to balance the good that they did with my perception of their current offerings. So why did you wade into this, and just what sort of glass house do you live in that you would think it fair for you, either in terms of being a decent human being or the terms of use of this board, to start up constantly about my religion?
I got tired of it and found what looked like you out on the internet, trolling for another victim to smother in carbohydrates for your sexual gratification. Sure enough, the ad got flagged and pulled. Hmmm. You've pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and I pushed back. That doesn't make me a bad Sikh. That makes me one who's working on it, and even though I don't expect to square all of my past karma in this go-round, I'm trying.
Like I said, if you care so much, lay off the commentary, lest you or someone else get the idea that it's okay to pull this crap with people because they look or think a bit differently from you.