Re: Dillon 550b primer feeding question
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ANVIL11-87</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have a 550b that I just started loading with. It will only feed a primer every other pull of the handle. So instead of doing 4 cases at a time, I can only do 2. Been trying to contact Dillon for two weeks with no luck. They either don't answer the phone or it's busy all day long.
Anyone know how to adjust this thing so it will feed a primer every time?? </div></div>
Do you have the primer tube inserted carefully into the primer tube magazine? There is only one way for that to go in and there's a witness mark on the end of the pickup tubes that faces forward, that must be inserted properly, for the primers to drop onto the little white finger that moves in and out when the primer bar is retracted.
Also, you need to make sure that that primer bar can retract fully to the rear, to pick up a primer from the tube. Look at what I'm talking about, from the back of the press, towards the front, where that primer housing is, as you'll see what I mean.
Also, those primer 'cups' need to be cinched down onto the anvil properly, under spring tension. You'll see a little set screw, that can be tightened, to 'fix' that anvil piece into place. It can be crooked at times and not give you the proper anvil height, within the cup.
Finally, is the primer bar moving unrestricted, on it's little platform?