I finally put my little 223 experiment to the test yesterday. OMG, that was fun!
What I put together started as a Savage F class in 6.5-284. I don't shoot that caliber, sold the barrel.
Got a prefit 28" 1:7 varmint contour from McGowan, picked up a hand throater from PTG and throated it out long enough to seat 80 Amax's with the bearing surface above the neck/shoulder junction.
Weighed the rifle with the bipod and my NF 8-32BR (my spare) and it was just over the limit.
Took a rasp the the stock and started shaping the forend. It's not finished yet but it rounder and lost the 3" trapezoid shape that it has from the factory and it's making weight now.
Loading in WCC (Winchester Military) brass, Tula 223 primers, and a healthy dose of Varget (well healthy is relative, it's about 56% of what I run in a 308 and not compressed) and 80Amax seated 0.010 off the lands. (OALs are over 2.5

Shot two matches in very switchy winds yesterday. Shot over 190 in both. (The open guys were losing about 1/2 as many points as I was)
Here is the cool part. The scope never moves outside of the 9 ring on recoil! It's like shooting a light 22LR. From the 28" tube it doesn't even sound the same, it's just a little *pop* . I had good target service in my second math. I got up and was watching the guy next to me shoot, and when they finished they looked at me and asked "did you have a mechanical?" I replied "No" They both said "you got off 20 rounds that fast". What was funny was I didn't feel that I was shooting that fast. The rifle just sits on the bag and the target comes up under the dot. Check the wind *bang* repeat.
Amax's cost 18¢ each, Berger 30 cal's run about 48¢, half the powder and I have somewhere between 5000 and 6000 military cases that have been sized, decapped and swaged and polished. I don't even have to prep brass for a few yrs. I'm digging this. (My Nikon crapped out on me or I'd post pictures.)