I have delt with dented case problems early in my reloading and figured out I was using too much lubrication prior to full length sizing them. Here is a picture of what typically happens if I use too much case lube or if lube gets built up in my die:

Now, compare the location of the dents on these case shoulders to the dents in the picture below. The below picture is always a dent below the case shoulder on the side of body. This dent sneaks up on my and oftentimes it will happen when I am using very very little case lube. I would say about 1 in 20 cases end up with this mysterious body dent, and I only have these body dents on cases that I've used more than twice. This is not a dent attributed to "too much case lube" is it? I'm paranoid of overusing lube as I've trashed alot of case shoulders and now I'm dealing with these body dents. Maybe I'm asking too much out of my brass...anyway, any tips or hints. I'm rather new at this. Maybe I need to quit full length sizing and start neck sizing until I have chamber issues....

Now, compare the location of the dents on these case shoulders to the dents in the picture below. The below picture is always a dent below the case shoulder on the side of body. This dent sneaks up on my and oftentimes it will happen when I am using very very little case lube. I would say about 1 in 20 cases end up with this mysterious body dent, and I only have these body dents on cases that I've used more than twice. This is not a dent attributed to "too much case lube" is it? I'm paranoid of overusing lube as I've trashed alot of case shoulders and now I'm dealing with these body dents. Maybe I'm asking too much out of my brass...anyway, any tips or hints. I'm rather new at this. Maybe I need to quit full length sizing and start neck sizing until I have chamber issues....