This is a continuation of a series of threads chronicaling my experiences with my new LMT LM8 MWS with a 20" stainless barrel.
Previous threads logged here:
Today I headed off to the range to really try to figure this rifle out. I had 175 SMK's, thanks to Jesse (jbell on here) loading up 50 rounds to try, and thanks to my friend Tom, for shipping me 100 to try in this rifle (out of stock locally and I had run out.) I also had some mk 316 mod 0 to try as well.
Now, I consider myself to be a pretty solid shooter. I also consider Jesse to be a solid shooter. Generally speaking, if a rifle is capable of shooting, we can shoot it. This time we had a lot of different rounds to try. He brought loads with RL-15, 8208 XBR, and Benchmark. I brought loads with Varget and H4895. He used once fired m118lr cases, I used once fired Gold Medal Match cases. I'll go to the results, and then I'll follow up with some observations.
First, a rifle pic to keep you interested:

OK, on to today's target board:

The groups on the white paper on the left were all shot with the MWS. The groups on the right were shot with my AIAX. The groups in the middle were from some .22 trainer shooting while we were waiting for the main range to open up (the Brokeback cowboy action shooters were occupying it.)
First set of groups shot:

Group 1: shot by me (referred to as "Bob" from here on out.) The bore had been hit with a boresnake with a bit of CLP for a couple of pulls. This group was three rounds, the only non-five round group of the test. It was shot with mk316 mod 0, and the measurement was 1.741".
Group 2: shot by Jesse, load was 41 grains of Benchmark, measuring 1.110", but subtracting one bad round makes it .450"
Group 3: shot by Bob, mk316, measures 1.392"
Group 4: shot by Jesse, mk 316, measures 1.144"
Group 5: shot by Bob, 40.0 grains of 8208 XBR, measures 1.216"
Next set:

Group 6: shot by Jesse, load was 40.5g XBR, measures .846"
Group 7: shot by Bob, 42.7g of Varget, measures 1.350"
Group 8, shot by Jesse, 41.0g of XBR, measures 1.899"! But subtracting one crazy flier with no explanation, it measures 0.933"
Group 9, shot by Bob, 43.0g of Varget, measures .861"
Group 10, shot by Jesse, 42.5g of RL-15, measure 1.615". The first shot was way left, and Jesse said his head position was off resulting in a poor sight picture. The remaining 4 fall into a .717" group.
Third set:

Group 11: shot by Bob, 43.3g of Varget, measures 1.037"
Group 12: shot by Jesse, 43.0g of RL-15, measures .813"
Group 13: shot by Bob, 43.6g of Varget, measures 1.007"
Group 14: shot by my friend Tim, who showed up and had never shot a precision semi auto, was 43.2g of RL-15. It measures 2.311"
Group 15: shot by Bob, with 43.5g of RL-15, measures 1.535. Subtracting one brings it to 1.006
Fourth set of groups:

Group 16: shot by Jesse, is 43.5g of RL-15, and measures .855"
Group 17: shot by Bob, is 39.0g of H4895. It measures 2.308! Subtracting the bad shot, which I DON'T feel like I pulled, it measures 1.194"
Group 18: shot by Jesse, is 44.0g of RL-15, and measures 1.039"
Group 19: shot by Bob, is 40.0g of H4895, and measures .711"
Group 20, shot by Bob, is 41.0g of H4895, and measures 1.273"
Group 21, shot by Jesse, is 42.0g of H4895, and measures 1.372"
A couple notes: the rifle printed some better groups today than it ever has. It appears to prefer 175 Sierra Matchkings. It seems to shoot real well around 43.5 grains of RL-15, and being that the best group was shot with 40.0 grains of H4895, I will explore that option as well.
But- unless the rifle really gets into a groove the next time I get a chance to shoot it with the above mentioned loads, I think I need to call LMT and talk about sending it back. From the results I have seen online, I should be getting more consistent results. I think it is fair to say that the rifle (barrel) is a MOA shooter. I want a consistent sub 3/4. It's still possible that this one would get there, and maybe LMT wouldn't do anything about a MOA shooter? But I think it's worth making a call.
Another note- You guys really got into my head with the whole "gotta take your time, can't get the barrel hot" shit. We rolled along at a pretty good clip today. The barrel never got "hot" to the touch, only warm. And it definitely did NOT show signs of shooting worse when warm then cold. Also, I think I might have been over thinking/over concentrating due to everything I read about a semi being so much harder to shoot. The .711" group, the best this rifle has ever shot, was shot in MAYBE 15 seconds. I lined up the crosshairs, and I pressed the trigger. NO OVERTHINKING. Certainly no "taking my time" to avoid barrel heat.
Furthermore- Every group was shot with ONLY 5 ROUNDS IN THE MAGAZINE. No dummy round. Jesse and I got to debating the physics, and there is no way it is possible that the mag being empty could even be a factor being that the round is out of the barrel way before the bolt carrier is back far enough to know the difference. Hell, it is debatable weather or not the BCG even starts to move before the bullet is out- it isn't supposed to.
A an aside, I shot these groups with my AIAX today. 6k rounds on the barrel and it still is damn consistent. It doesn't average quite as low as it used to, but being that I put all 6k on the barrel, I feel like we have "history" at this point. Almost like a good old dog:

Group 1: shot by Bob, measures .611" Cold bore was just about dead nuts center of the shoot and see.
Group 2: shot by Bob, measures .705"
Group 3: shot by Bob, measures .527"
Group 4: shot by Bob, measures .358"
Group 5: shot by Jesse , measures .750". Removing one round from the group drops it to a more respectable .338"
Group 6: shot by Bob, measures .552"
Thanks for following!
Previous threads logged here:
Today I headed off to the range to really try to figure this rifle out. I had 175 SMK's, thanks to Jesse (jbell on here) loading up 50 rounds to try, and thanks to my friend Tom, for shipping me 100 to try in this rifle (out of stock locally and I had run out.) I also had some mk 316 mod 0 to try as well.
Now, I consider myself to be a pretty solid shooter. I also consider Jesse to be a solid shooter. Generally speaking, if a rifle is capable of shooting, we can shoot it. This time we had a lot of different rounds to try. He brought loads with RL-15, 8208 XBR, and Benchmark. I brought loads with Varget and H4895. He used once fired m118lr cases, I used once fired Gold Medal Match cases. I'll go to the results, and then I'll follow up with some observations.
First, a rifle pic to keep you interested:

OK, on to today's target board:

The groups on the white paper on the left were all shot with the MWS. The groups on the right were shot with my AIAX. The groups in the middle were from some .22 trainer shooting while we were waiting for the main range to open up (the Brokeback cowboy action shooters were occupying it.)
First set of groups shot:

Group 1: shot by me (referred to as "Bob" from here on out.) The bore had been hit with a boresnake with a bit of CLP for a couple of pulls. This group was three rounds, the only non-five round group of the test. It was shot with mk316 mod 0, and the measurement was 1.741".
Group 2: shot by Jesse, load was 41 grains of Benchmark, measuring 1.110", but subtracting one bad round makes it .450"
Group 3: shot by Bob, mk316, measures 1.392"
Group 4: shot by Jesse, mk 316, measures 1.144"
Group 5: shot by Bob, 40.0 grains of 8208 XBR, measures 1.216"
Next set:

Group 6: shot by Jesse, load was 40.5g XBR, measures .846"
Group 7: shot by Bob, 42.7g of Varget, measures 1.350"
Group 8, shot by Jesse, 41.0g of XBR, measures 1.899"! But subtracting one crazy flier with no explanation, it measures 0.933"
Group 9, shot by Bob, 43.0g of Varget, measures .861"
Group 10, shot by Jesse, 42.5g of RL-15, measure 1.615". The first shot was way left, and Jesse said his head position was off resulting in a poor sight picture. The remaining 4 fall into a .717" group.
Third set:

Group 11: shot by Bob, 43.3g of Varget, measures 1.037"
Group 12: shot by Jesse, 43.0g of RL-15, measures .813"
Group 13: shot by Bob, 43.6g of Varget, measures 1.007"
Group 14: shot by my friend Tim, who showed up and had never shot a precision semi auto, was 43.2g of RL-15. It measures 2.311"
Group 15: shot by Bob, with 43.5g of RL-15, measures 1.535. Subtracting one brings it to 1.006
Fourth set of groups:

Group 16: shot by Jesse, is 43.5g of RL-15, and measures .855"
Group 17: shot by Bob, is 39.0g of H4895. It measures 2.308! Subtracting the bad shot, which I DON'T feel like I pulled, it measures 1.194"
Group 18: shot by Jesse, is 44.0g of RL-15, and measures 1.039"
Group 19: shot by Bob, is 40.0g of H4895, and measures .711"
Group 20, shot by Bob, is 41.0g of H4895, and measures 1.273"
Group 21, shot by Jesse, is 42.0g of H4895, and measures 1.372"
A couple notes: the rifle printed some better groups today than it ever has. It appears to prefer 175 Sierra Matchkings. It seems to shoot real well around 43.5 grains of RL-15, and being that the best group was shot with 40.0 grains of H4895, I will explore that option as well.
But- unless the rifle really gets into a groove the next time I get a chance to shoot it with the above mentioned loads, I think I need to call LMT and talk about sending it back. From the results I have seen online, I should be getting more consistent results. I think it is fair to say that the rifle (barrel) is a MOA shooter. I want a consistent sub 3/4. It's still possible that this one would get there, and maybe LMT wouldn't do anything about a MOA shooter? But I think it's worth making a call.
Another note- You guys really got into my head with the whole "gotta take your time, can't get the barrel hot" shit. We rolled along at a pretty good clip today. The barrel never got "hot" to the touch, only warm. And it definitely did NOT show signs of shooting worse when warm then cold. Also, I think I might have been over thinking/over concentrating due to everything I read about a semi being so much harder to shoot. The .711" group, the best this rifle has ever shot, was shot in MAYBE 15 seconds. I lined up the crosshairs, and I pressed the trigger. NO OVERTHINKING. Certainly no "taking my time" to avoid barrel heat.
Furthermore- Every group was shot with ONLY 5 ROUNDS IN THE MAGAZINE. No dummy round. Jesse and I got to debating the physics, and there is no way it is possible that the mag being empty could even be a factor being that the round is out of the barrel way before the bolt carrier is back far enough to know the difference. Hell, it is debatable weather or not the BCG even starts to move before the bullet is out- it isn't supposed to.
A an aside, I shot these groups with my AIAX today. 6k rounds on the barrel and it still is damn consistent. It doesn't average quite as low as it used to, but being that I put all 6k on the barrel, I feel like we have "history" at this point. Almost like a good old dog:

Group 1: shot by Bob, measures .611" Cold bore was just about dead nuts center of the shoot and see.
Group 2: shot by Bob, measures .705"
Group 3: shot by Bob, measures .527"
Group 4: shot by Bob, measures .358"
Group 5: shot by Jesse , measures .750". Removing one round from the group drops it to a more respectable .338"
Group 6: shot by Bob, measures .552"
Thanks for following!