btw, where are the target pics??

Group 1 was the "zeroing" group, 20" to 16". Total size shitty at 1.958"
Group 2 was m118lr, tightened a bit at 1.591"
Group 3 was m118lr, tightened a bit more to 1.071"
Group 4 was mk316 mod 0, 1.075"
Group 5, 43.5g R15= 0.972"
Group 6, 40.0g H4895= 0.775"
Group 7, 40.0g H4895= 0.935" (4/5 would be closer to .5")
Group 8, r15= 1.875"
Group 9, r15, shot by steve, 1.865" he did call the flier, if you allow that type of thing it measures .744".
Group 10, h4895, 1.098" but .496" for 4/5
So, not all sub moa, but a real good run of them, and I'm feeling good about that 4895 load!