I had been looking for a 1-4 scope for a while when a few weeks ago I came across a 1-4 uso with the FFP circle dot in a larue spr 1.5 mount for a very reasonable price. Well long story short I worked out a deal with the owner and after he received payment my USO was on its way
Well, upon receiving my scope I was very disappointed with what I found. While looking through the scope, in the upper right hand corner I noticed something strange. I am not 100% if it is a crack in the glass or what but this picture tells the story. (The dark line that you see on the door that is going against the grain of the wood is actually inside the scope)
Well I reached out to the seller and he informed me that the scope didn't have any issues when it left his home. He even produced a picture taken just prior to me purchasing it that showed off the reticle and you can clearly see that the dark mark is not inside the scope at that time. Well I called up USO and they are going to have me ship the scope in so they can take a look at it. They were quite friendly and helpful and I do have faith that they will be able to fix it. I am just wondering how much it is going to cost if they determin that this was caused by abuse. Furthermore, I am still trying to wrap my head around what on earth the USPS could have done to break a USO scope...