If you have a CZ in a Tacticool please chime in!?

BenY 2013

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jan 23, 2012
SW Arkansas
Alright so I have been trying to fix my homemade CZ stock(the friend helping me build it way over inletted for the action and now I can not for the life of me get the action to sit squarely into the stock, if anyone can help me there then please feel free to let me know as well!) and have been thinking of just getting a Tacticool. I wanted to get the opinions of guys who have them and use them. I have heard that the laminate stock sometimes cracks due to over tightening the action screws. My plan is to coat the outside with some epoxy as well as pillar bed to eliminate the possibility of cracking the stock.

So let me hear it! Also if anyone wants to save me $90 and help me get my action square I'd appreciate that as well!

I love epoxy. With it I can fix almost anything.
I can fill, bed, shim and machine the stuff to do what I need.
Post some pics of the problem, let's see what we can do to solve it.
set my brother inlaw, up with a cz455 varmint, in boyds tacticool stock, after a pillar job, an yo dave kit, must say i am impressed.

like justin has said show some pics, of your stock,
sometimes it may take more than 1 bedding, to get the best results,
but then i use Apache308 for my fubars
Buy the Tacticool, bed it, pillar it do whatever you want to with it. It's about $110 shipped to your door. If you split the laminate I'd say you are tighting the action screws too tight. I think all the folks that obsess about action screw torque north of 20 in/lbs are trying to find a solution to a problem that does not exist. We are talking about securing metal to wood, the wood will loose this fight every time.

The action needs to be securely fastened to the wood, nothing more. These are rimfires we are talking about and I've seen stock Trainers shoot 1 moa with no mods and a low power scope (yesterday at 100 yards - not mine). Don't obsess, find the right glass and the ammo it likes and shoot the fire out of it.

Good to go!


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It is hard to see in pictures as it is just a slight cant, but it IS there! I noticed my scope seemed canted and took it off and tried to remount it but found that the action is what it not square. I have tried to re-epoxy the pillar to sit squarely twice... I just can't seem to get it to sit in there square... If anyone has ideas I'd love help!

Also glad to hear that the Tacticool is a decent stock!

Even though not CZ, I recently put an old 10/22 action in a new Tacticool. For the money, its easily the tightest fitting (even though I bedded it anyway), truest, most comfortable rimfire stock I've ever bought. A lot of bang for the buck, well worth the (not a lot of) money IMO