We all laughing yet? Geez I hope so. Lord knows I tried to make these noteworthy first posts. So the real reason I've stopped lurking and posted a question is my Google-Fu has failed me. Background: middle aged boring assed wasp that shoots for fun. I don't expect to fight off zombies, and if SHTF otherwise my 5r isn't likely to be the answer.
I'm shooting with a young guy with great vision and a Nightforce NXS. The little bas.... young gentleman is hitting pool cue chalk at 300 yards, and my older eyes plus Weaver 3-15 tactical just can't resolve something that size clearly enough. Helllp will of course freeze before this transgression is allowed to stand, so it’s time for more scope.
Like everybody else I want the moon on the cheap. Still, I believe in the law of diminishing returns, so I'm trying to move up in glass quality and zoom at the same time holding the investment into the $1k or so range. My doubt is in the zoom range and maybe clarity at the top end of zoom. I think the Weaver is fine, and I like the EMDR reticle OK, but the glass isn’t super crisp at 15x.
The next scope will have almost no expectation of hunting with, nor do I expect to drive nails or club seals (naval or otherwise) with it. I'm keeping the Weaver and putting in on my AR, so if I get to hunt something that requires .308 I'll just swap and re-sight in. My scope religion is FFP, so that's a "really prefer" thing. Unless my reading has failed, this pretty much means PST, Sightrons new FFP, or a Bushnell Tactical Elite. But I'm not asking which one. instead:
I'm thinking 6-24 (unless someone wants to sell me an XRS for say, $1300). But I need it to be clear at 24x.
Q1: Does this mean I should look at 8-32 to get clear and crisp 24? I won’t regret too much the step from 6x to 8x.

oes anybody even make a “great buy in glass” FFP 8-32? Vortex doesn’t, neither does Sightron or SWFA
Hope you don't mind sharing some advice, and thanks!
(howdy Snake_Charmer. Sorry to poach on your SN. I’ve been using mine for some long I didn’t want to change, but dang! Glad you’re cool w/it.)