So I thought I'd try my hand at wildcatting and so far I'm coming up empty. I just got a 7mm/300WM, essentially a 300WM necked down to 7mm. I have long used Redding Type S bushing dies for my reloading so I ordered the proper bushings, as well as a 7mm Neck Die. After trying all morning to find the sweet spot between sizing the full neck length down to 7mm, I cannot do it without crushing the shoulder. If I stop once I feel the die hit the shoulder, then I'm left with about .0075-.01 length of shoulder that is still sized to .30 caliber. Obviously I cannot chamber this case. I've experimented with the positioning of the die itself press and with the position of the internal neck sizer and bushing. I cannot find a sweet spot to size the entire length of the neck without crushing the shoulder. Here's a .jpg that shows how far I can neck size before the die touches the shoulder. Note that there's a bell at the base of the neck and abrasions from where the shoulder is being contacted by the die. The shoulder doesn't have any distortions itself, but you can see that it's right at the crushing point.
Is there any way I can tweak what I'm doing with the dies to isolate the necking procedure from touching the shoulder? Are the Redding dies themselves the issue? I have tried with both Redding Type S dies in 300WM and 7mmRM with the appropriate pushing and have gotten the same bad results. Any tips would be much appreciated.

Is there any way I can tweak what I'm doing with the dies to isolate the necking procedure from touching the shoulder? Are the Redding dies themselves the issue? I have tried with both Redding Type S dies in 300WM and 7mmRM with the appropriate pushing and have gotten the same bad results. Any tips would be much appreciated.