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Sidearms & Scatterguns glock or smith?


Full Member
May 16, 2011
Washington State, USA
SO... this is probably going to come off as blasphemy to some, i know i never expected to be in this place, but... i am trading my 1911 away. It's the springfield a1-loaded. But, I hardly ever use it, and with starting school/new family stuff, it wouldn't hurt to get something cheaper to shoot, and a more "all around" piece. So far, the 2 standing offers i have are: 1- an unfired gen-3 glock 23 with 3- 14rd magazines, a decent IWB holster and talon grips. and 2- a (90's?) smith and wesson model 19 4" .357mag (possibly +cash).
I have heard the glock 23 is pretty good for most things and the S&W model 19 is a classic. The glock has definitely got the model 19 beat for capacity and reload time, but the 357 would be better for larger critters in a back-packing scenerio. The glock would handle anything short of bear/moose, which a 357 would barely make the snuff for.
SO... should i go with the glock, for the better everyday function/capacity? or... the model 19 for the extra little benefit while camping/backpacking?

Side-note: I also have a Kahr cw40, which i carry regularly, a CZ-75b, which is my plinking/sometimes carry gun, and an old S&W model 10 in 38spl with 6-6.5" barrel. I'm considering the Glock because it's a little more full size than the Kahr without being FULL sized, and has a couple small advantages aside from more than double capacity.
I'm ditching the 1911 over the others largely due to ammo costs, I'd personally rather buy more rounds, than more types of rounds.
Easy, glock. Revolvers are cool and all but for me don't have much of a utility purpose. 38 will also cost just as much to feed as 45. If yours is truly an AI loaded then either of them should be giving you cash too.
i would suggest sticking with springfield in either a xd or xdm. side by side i prefer my xdm over a glock. i feel you get more for your money, i recently let go one of my 1911's but after a shoot could not bring myself to let go the xdm .40. my two cents anyway
I find that a revolver is a worthy addition to any collection. It was the first gun I bought and the last one I would give up. That being said, hold out for a better offer. There are better pistols and revolvers in your trade range.
I say take the Glock. Cheapest ammo all the way around and is much more utiliarian. I retired my 1911 not to long ago and picked up a G30 for everyday carry. I really love the simplisity of the Glock design.
You could try to trade for a Glock 31. This is the .357 Sig model, almost same ballistics as .357 magnum. You could then buy a 9mm conversion for low cost shooting, and use the OEM barrel for safety in the woods.

Another vote for the Glock. With a G23, all you need is a barrel change and your can shoot .357Sig. Your .40 mags and extractor will work. You can also get a conversion barrel to go to 9mm. Can never go wrong with a G23 but I do have a soft spot for an old S&W. Those are a classic. Have fun choosing.
G19, I shoot em 15000-20000 rounds, then instead of cleaning them, I get a new one! Ha ha. I do own a bunch of revolvers and usually carry one when hunting but also have been carrying my 1911 in the field
i would suggest sticking with springfield in either a xd or xdm. side by side i prefer my xdm over a glock. i feel you get more for your money, i recently let go one of my 1911's but after a shoot could not bring myself to let go the xdm .40. my two cents anyway

I 2nd that. If you still want to stay with a good quality hand gun then I would go with an XDm in either 9 or 40. I have a G19 ,G23 & an XDm9 and the XDm by far shows a noticable quality diffrence. Both are just as fun to shoot .
Take the Glock 23 and some cash for your 1911. Use the cash to get a threaded KKM 9mm conversion barrel, and an Advantage Arms 22LR conversion. Then you'll have three guns in one. Hard to beat that.
Thank you for all of the replies! it was unexpected! haha, the model 19 smith was sold at a gun-show, which is ok. Now there is an offer for a brand-new ruger SP101 with cash(undetermined amount as of yet) and the glock is still on the table, with no cash. I did secure, in an unrelated trade, a customized glock 26. I love it more than i knew i could. So, i'm not sure if i want the SP101, which was what i was actually seeking with the ad i posted in the local trader. but after reading up on the g23, and the potential with the barrel swaps, and general utilitarian nature, idk...

How would .40, 9mm, and .357 sig hold up as a back-packing gun in bear/moose country?
I know that it's not a 454 casull, or a 400 mag, but, would +p ammo in any of these calibers hold up against an aggressive or encroaching beast?
I'd be comfy with a 40 or a 9 with big-cats/wolves/yotes even a black-bear, but here in Washington, we gots grizz and moose. hence my consideration of the .357 mag.
I have personally worked on Glocks with over 500,000 rounds through them. They were in a rental fleet at a Georgia indoor range. Glock would give the owner several Glocks to use, then swap them out for new ones after a few years. The only thing that ever broke was the trigger return spring. That problem has long since been cured. I carried a LWT Commander for years before I discovered Glocks. Now my wife and I both carry Glock 23s. We shoot Glocks in competition also. My wife uses a 34 and I use a 35.
I would go for a 10mm Glock for back country carry. Don't kid yourself though. A pistol is not much good for bear protection. Guess it is better than a knife. A pump 12 ga. shotgun is much better.
G23 no question. I live me some smith revolver - but there's a reason you don't see them in cops' holsters anymore. If you can find a G19 instead of the G23, ammo and recoil will be a little less.
If you want to use this for a backpack pistol, sell the .45 and go with a Glock 20SF.

I don't see why you'd swap to be cheaper to shoot for a backpack pistol though. I wouldn't worry what the ammo cost of it was to save my life.

For all-round shooting, a Glock 17 or 19 in a third gen would be my choice.
I have a Glock 26 and an S&W M&P .40. Both are great guns but the Glock is better. The M&P's grip is comfy, it looks sexy, the machining is great, and I shoot pretty well with it, but the internals are more complicated than the Glock. Magazines are also less common, which to me a is fairly major. I've thought many times about trading the M&P for a 17 or a 23 and I eventually will, I just haven't gotten around to it...
All around, Glock 19 all the way for me. I'm a pretty slender guy at the waist and can't conceal a 17. The 19 fits my little man hands much better than the 17. I love this gun all around, I shoot comps with it just for kicks. Can't go wrong with a glock.
I would get the Glock 19, and find some Federal 124 grain +P+ ammo. Then you will have 9mm ammo that very nearly duplicates the performance of your model 19, but in an easier to conceal package that has 15+1 rounds (17+1 with the extended mag).
Go with the Glock, with some hot loads. Most factory 40 is underloaded, get something hot, I recommend HPR. You can get a police turn-in for under $400, even a Gen 3. You get a good 40 rolling at 1150 fps or more and it has a LOT more energy then a 357. Most factory 40 is under 1100, which is a waste of a cartridge.
Handle both and figure out which one fits you more naturally.

I am a M&P guy but I can appreciate the simplicity reliability of the Glocks. Mostly because we shoot just about every other weekend and my 79 year old dad likes to disassemble and reassemble his glock and then ask me how fast I can do that to my M&P. lol. In reference to the Glock 20, the Gen 4 Glock grips are comparable and more comfortable to my small hands than the Gen3 SF grips.
For black bear protection, I would be satisfied with a .357 Sig. You could buy a Glock 31, plus a conversion barrel in 9mm.
However for brown bears, the 10mm Glock 20 would be a much better choice. The G20 is a pretty big pistol, though. I recommend buying two Glocks, probably a G17/19 plus a G20.
sometimes i feel the glock fans are a cult. not saying glocks are bad but they're are definately more options. if you already have "carry" weapons wouldnt your next pistol be more purpose specific? if your concern is taking down dangerouse game while backpacking i would suggest a large caliber magnum revolver..
Go with the Glock, with some hot loads. Most factory 40 is underloaded, get something hot, I recommend HPR. You can get a police turn-in for under $400, even a Gen 3. You get a good 40 rolling at 1150 fps or more and it has a LOT more energy then a 357. Most factory 40 is under 1100, which is a waste of a cartridge.

You have to compare apples to apples. A 357 loaded hot will have more energy than a 40 loaded hot. Factory 357 has more energy than factory 40. 357 is a lighter, magnum round. It is designed for higher velocities, and velocity has a greater impact on energy than mass.
In bear and moose country I would carry a shotgun and a 44 mag of some flavor. Not a 9mm or 40 cal. If it was bears that were in the area. For the smaller 4 legged critters .357 or .357 sig is best.
However for brown bears, the 10mm Glock 20 would be a much better choice. The G20 is a pretty big pistol, though. I recommend buying two Glocks, probably a G17/19 plus a G20.

That is exactly what I did. I have a G19 for CC and a G20 with 220gr hardcast for anything I might run into in the woods.

15 rounds of 220gr hardcast at 1200fps is hard to beat.
I'd say by a glock as well. I'd also suggest that if at all possible, keep your 1911. Inevitably, some time down te road you will likely wish you ad not traded it away. I know it is not fun, but I'd try and save for a few months (or whatever it takes) and get the glock in addition to your Springfeld.
Shoot both guns side by side in tests at the range, then decide. Asking people on the internet is like asking if Ford or Chevy is better...the input will be based on what someone else things, but in the end YOU will be the guy using the gun, so you should decide.