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Little boy has a small birthday wish.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2012
Lebanon, VA
Boy battling cancer asks for birthday cards from police

I was going to post it in the LEO section but I didn't know if fire fighters were allowed in there. I'm sure he wouldn't mind cards from the military folk either. I don't know why this tugged on my heart so much when I read it this morning but with age I have learned not to question why and just get off my ass and do what feels right. Hopefully he won't get done reading his cards until he turns 9. (He is turning 7 March 6th)
I'm going to link it to another thread where there's some solid guys still active in LEO and see what they can do. If I were still on the job I'd have the squads turning in cards with their paperwork at the end of every shift.

I'm sending the link to my brother who's a FF in the Chicago metro area as well.
Our PD collected a card from every member in the department. The officer spearheading this is in my PD and we are sending out honor guard and five members of the Tactical team to deliver the cards next Monday. I'll take a few photos and post them up.

Our PD collected a card from every member in the department. The officer spearheading this is in my PD and we are sending out honor guard and five members of the Tactical team to deliver the cards next Monday. I'll take a few photos and post them up.


That's awesome. It's great that everybody pulls together to help a boy out like that.
Our PD collected a card from every member in the department. The officer spearheading this is in my PD and we are sending out honor guard and five members of the Tactical team to deliver the cards next Monday. I'll take a few photos and post them up.


That's a violations of his rights! Standing by to see if the guys who are haters say a word about this vulgarity.
The Tac squad I am on is sending him a card, some pictures, and one of our Tac challenge coins. Small stuff to make that kiddo feel a little better during his fight.