Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

My pear tree is confused,started blooming
That is absolutely amazing. I know humans that don't have that much reasoning.

My 8 year old was watching a show the other day and one of the characters fell into a crack ( a bit wider than the area the dog just climbed) and couldn't climb out.

She says, "Why doesn't she put her back against one side and feet against the other? Or just spread her feet and push off each wall, like I do climbing door jams?"

I paused the show and explained some things are done in shows to allow for the next part of "dramatic effect" which then allowed the lesson of friendship and personal responsibility to be presented.
Cracked me up at how overly practical she is about things. and made me quite proud of her.

She does like Gunsmoke and old John Wayne movies though! :cool:
My neighbor up here at the farm had one of their 3 wiener dogs go missing Thursday. I have not seen any Coyote sign in several years but had a feeling. I walked over my trails looking for sign but found nothing.

This morning I was on the porch reading when I heard the yipping down close to the creek bottom. Guess I gotta shoot some yotes.

Anyone have a FoxPro or similar they want to sell?

(I know the apostrophe is in the wrong place, I didn’t make it)

My 8 year old was watching a show the other day and one of the characters fell into a crack ( a bit wider than the area the dog just climbed) and couldn't climb out.

She says, "Why doesn't she put her back against one side and feet against the other? Or just spread her feet and push off each wall, like I do climbing door jams?"

I paused the show and explained some things are done in shows to allow for the next part of "dramatic effect" which then allowed the lesson of friendship and personal responsibility to be presented.
Cracked me up at how overly practical she is about things. and made me quite proud of her.

She does like Gunsmoke and old John Wayne movies though! :cool:
It's amazing how kids think. They break things down completely different than we do as adults. Remember the show MacGyver, the writers used to use ideas from kids for some of his fixes / get out of a bind.
It's amazing how kids think. They break things down completely different than we do as adults. Remember the show MacGyver, the writers used to use ideas from kids for some of his fixes / get out of a bind.
I still remember the episode where he used a battery and coin to weld a connecting rod back together in a generator.

Went snorkeling down in the Keys on Loos Key.

Pretty neat, middle of ocean, jump off boat watch all sorts of colorful fish approach the shade of the pontoon boat while reef sharks keep a little deeper and do their thing.

While paddling around 2-3 Goliath Groupers came to rest in the shade of the boat.

They were massive.......worried about my daughter because it seemed if they yawned they would draw in so much water she could have been inadvertently Jonah'd.
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Went snorkeling down in the Keys on Loos Key.

Pretty neat, middle of ocean, jump off boat watch all sorts of colorful fish approach the shade of the pontoon boat while reef sharks keep a little deeper and do their thing.

While paddling around 2-3 Goliath Groupers came to rest in the shade of the boat.

They were massive.......worried about my daughter because it seemed if they yawned they would drawn in so much water she could have been inadvertently Jonah'd.

Those goliath can get pretty big.
They are very docile around people in the water. Thankfully.

Rebecca's 3rd fish of the day. Much larger than my fish.


My only fish of the day. A meager 400lbs.

Those goliath can get pretty big.
They are very docile around people in the water. Thankfully.
They are not shy and will come in close to you. As you say, they just hang out and don't bother you. There are some wrecks in the Gulf (you get to them from Ft Meyers or Naples, and they are pretty far out) where there are often dozens of them.On the Baja California, we played cowboy trying to herd them with our scooters. It was like trying to herd cats.

Have you been near one when it thumps? It stirs up the bottom and all of the other nearby fish scatter. You can feel the thump in your chest.

Spearfishing when they are around is just as stupid as spearfishing among sharks. They don't get that big by breathing water.
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Picked up a couple of things to upset my conservative FIL who is suffering from TDS 🤠

View attachment 7434575

I may need to do that with mine as well. I know is daughter is proudly wearing Trump gear and it passes him off. He has refused to come in my house when my Trump signs are in the window.....needless to say he ended up leaving after 2 hours when I didn't remove anything. Lol
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@Lawless - you get those from the Trump store online?
Im in CO. Should be able to trigger a few. 😎
No, a restaurant in Dobson here in my county. They had a lot of Trump gear.

It’s called The Depot, really nice place. I told the lady at their store that if I had to wear a mask with no choice to go in somewhere, at least I could piss a few folks off.