• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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Featured content by 168BTHPM

  1. 168BTHPM

    Gun Show Wisdom

    Well gun shows continue to amaze me. Today is what I learned. New terminology: Pick-A-Teen Rail. A guy came up to my tables and asked me if I had any Pick-A-Teen rails. I said that sounded like some kind of pedo website and he walked away...
  2. 168BTHPM

    What's My Ammo Worth????

    I have a huge stock pile of loose ammo. I am thinking about testing the market. What's this stuff worth? Should I sell it here or on Gun Broker? I would be willing to sell at reasonable prices because I screw the other guy and pass the savings on to...
  3. 168BTHPM

    Soros Connected Stooge Staging Gear for Riots

    Just saw this on Twitter so take it for what it is. [URL...
  4. 168BTHPM

    Remington 1903's

    These are a couple of my Remington 1903's. Not real sniper rifles, just clean 03's with Belding & Mull scope mounts and Unterl scopes. The rifle in the C stock in only marginally accurate (about 1.5" at 100 yards), the rifle in the straight grip stock...