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      sharac reacted to BCP's post in the thread Ukraine war Bullshit. with Like Like.
      It’s amazing how many people cannot see the bullshit right in front of them.
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      The smell of napalm on EU political arena is indeed glorious.
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      There is no fixing stupid. As some have said you may be “well read” but in most cases where someone is an expert in something one does...
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      sharac reacted to Gunfighter14e2's post in the thread Ukraine war Bullshit. with Like Like.
      This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!! Especially true in many other aspects/vocations as well. How many in a stack,... fact check vs lock...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      Because if you’d have kept poking the bear the globe would glow.
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      Why you should care? Because “inyour name” there is a lot of things done in this world that aint good and maybe just maybe you or your...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      Playing piano with a dick does not qualify one as an leader or diplomat. As i repeat to the point of being obnoxious hate runs deep with...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      Basically its more important who finishes war than whohad started it… I have this strange feeling that Russia and China won’t allow to...
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      sharac reacted to Edsel's post in the thread Ukraine war Bullshit. with Like Like.
      Personally, I think we’re overplaying this “businessman” and “making deals” thing too much, to the point of cheerleading. He’s being...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      Whats not clear? Trump is Putin(g) out fire. YOU have lost a war and “peace agreement” is saving face up to a makeup allowance of...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      French and Germans and English dancing with Russians? Been there done that got fucked but i guess types a’la Macron and Boris the...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      “IT” needs a slap in the face and hard dick than “it” will become a she and have her place. Until men of “its” nation grow a pair “it”...
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      sharac reacted to MtnGhost's post in the thread Ukraine war Bullshit. with Like Like.
      I've learned not to listen to any of these so called analysts. This war has very little to do with the U.S. vs. Russia. It's been a...
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      sharac replied to the thread Ukraine war Bullshit..
      @Darayavaus this is probably best quote and post that encompasses entire human struggle on this planet and puts it in very simple...
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      sharac reacted to Darayavaus's post in the thread Ukraine war Bullshit. with Like Like.
      All this bullshit about sovereignty and borders. it's like listening to some feudal medieval philosophers. Our social contract...
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