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    • SquarePizza
      SquarePizza replied to the thread mpvo for bad weather.
      I’ve even considered a nightforce, but maybe not this year. For context I used to shoot about 3 prs matches a year but I have recently...
    • SquarePizza
      SquarePizza replied to the thread mpvo for bad weather.
      How it does in foggy conditions. Once a target turns grey from all the hits it would just get lost. I could look through a nice set of...
    • SquarePizza
      SquarePizza replied to the thread mpvo for bad weather.
      You’re not wrong. I should just buy it and try, resell if it’s not up to expectations. Speaking of expectations, I don’t expect a low...
    • SquarePizza
      Most of my events are from Oct-March and it’s not uncommon to get wet, grey, low contrast days and even some fog. When I was shooting...
    • SquarePizza
      Building a DMR 6.5 Grendel for run n guns, and PRS. I picked up a 22” JP barrel from the px. I’m looking for a lighter weight handguard...
    • SquarePizza
      SquarePizza replied to the thread Howa mini action M40 stocks.
      Thank you for your reply. I’m actually sad, I was kind of found of that funky grip
    • SquarePizza
      SquarePizza replied to the thread WTF Ohio Democrats???.
      So this is one I can get behind…. If we apply the fine to the National debt and give free streaming porn to all the horny 15year olds...
    • SquarePizza
      I figure there isn’t a great solution, but since I’m competing for middle place… I’ll find something that’s just OK
    • SquarePizza
      I’m pretty committed to 6.5G mainly because I already have a howa in it and have been reloading it for a long time. I see a JP ultra...
    • SquarePizza
      Tl;dr: I am not an AR guy but want to build a light 6.5 Grendel and need help picking a barrel Long story: I do gun runs and PRS. I’m...
    • SquarePizza
      Micro prism definitely does not return to previous zero after each remount, given that it’s been off and on a lot, that’s probably a...
    • SquarePizza
      I’ve thought about the Geissele trigger pack, even with my paramedic discount at PA, it’s still a pricey upgrade. Well, small update. I...
    • SquarePizza
      The had us go up a stream for almost a mile with tight conditions at times during a gun run last year. I really loved the shortness of...
    • SquarePizza
      Barrel is in the lock position, and that nut is a bitch to turn. But I took everything else apart and will torque all the screws to...
    • SquarePizza
      I’m not expecting an MOA gun. For gun runs it being 2 MOA-ish was perfectly fine until it went to shit. I’m hoping it the glass being a...
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