Recent content by 91Eunozs

  1. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

    Back when it was understood that with freedom, comes responsibility. And people took that responsibility seriously. How to we get back to that…and away from the entitlement that permeates our culture now? I honestly don’t know what the right answer will be, but hope it doesn’t take a collapse...
  2. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s What's Your View II

    The race shop building my truck’s short block is backlogged, and won’t get to mine for 10-12 weeks…. :confused: So I dropped the cab back onto the frame for now, so I can free up the lift for other projects over the next 2-3 months: Pain in the ass doing it solo, with all the small moves...
  3. 91Eunozs

    Stock Market

    I’m feeling pretty good about sinking almost 30% of my investments into physical and paper gold the last couple years…usually capped it at 10%, but started putting in backstops (hedges against inflation) when I got serious about my second retirement last summer. My problem is that those...
  4. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    That one needed a puke emoji…. Seriously dude, WTF? Rules:
  5. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Name? Nothing on Tineye or Yandex… Rules:
  6. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Just another Thursday night in Chiraq… Rules: New Spicer Dana 44 front differential cover for my truck. No better time than right now, while I still have the cab off, and waiting for the motor to get back from the machine shop.
  7. 91Eunozs


    That’s a fucking disgrace. And yeah, I know… Looks fake, but button pushed nonetheless.
  8. 91Eunozs


    And a week later wondering why there’s no food in the grocery stores or gas at the remaining gas stations, and demanding that the government “do something” about it. Fucking low IQ morons who can’t think more than one step ahead of their actions. Hell, most of the time not even thinking that...
  9. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s What's Your View II

    My back is fuckin’ sore! Need to get a longer rod (heh, that’s what she said) that threads onto the handle/grip for when I’m using that surface cleaner that has a series of jets underneath that spin around. Works great, but the stock rod/wand my new pressure washer is just a bit too...
  10. 91Eunozs

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    I knew I’d seen that somewhere! Please know that it was for a good cause my man. May I kindly offer this upgrade as recompense:
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