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      dms416 replied to the thread Noveske DDF Barrels.
      Don't take this the wrong way man, but this has eaten at me and I gotta I gotta say/ask this: Do you ever have pics of groups that are...
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      dms416 reacted to Bigjake83's post in the thread Noveske DDF Barrels with Like Like.
      Have you read the discretion? 🤣🤣🤣 Basically, we're making a heavy contour barrel with deep flutes to lower the weight but keep the...
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      dms416 reacted to TonyTheTiger's post in the thread Noveske DDF Barrels with Like Like.
      I do too, on <16" barrels.
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      dms416 replied to the thread Noveske DDF Barrels.
      Yeah, if you're going to try and get me to pay 2x and look past an RTR or Proof off of Expert voice, I'd better have a surplus of...
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      dms416 reacted to kthomas's post in the thread Noveske DDF Barrels with Like Like.
      They are awfully vague about the actual specs of the barrel, which is quite annoying.
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      dms416 replied to the thread Noveske DDF Barrels.
      So, this just a regular Noveske with deeper flutes??? Do I still have their cavernously large gas ports to enjoy as well?
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      dms416 replied to the thread Very disappointed.
      Probably been a hot minute since that statement was accurate. Since 2010, of the LE snipers courses I attended NOT ONE recommended...
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      dms416 replied to the thread SAI 10 1-10.
      Primary arms has theirs, but they're married to that ACSS trash reticle...among other things. Many, many moons ago, HuDisCo teased some...
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      dms416 replied to the thread SAI 10 1-10.
      But he SAID he asked…🤷‍♂️.
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      dms416 replied to the thread SAI 10 1-10.
      You asked them? Slow down with all the details. Well, isn’t that special.
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      dms416 replied to the thread SAI 10 1-10.
      While I’m dubious of anyone who openly champions the nx8 1-8…. How have you arrived at your assertions above?
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      dms416 reacted to Glassaholic's post in the thread SAI 10 1-10 with Like Like.
      Here we go…
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      dms416 replied to the thread MILE HIGH SHOOTING.
      HTR, but I just put in my order with another vendor just last night
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      dms416 reacted to Cascade Hemi's post in the thread Ridgeline Defense RD-15 LPR with Like Like.
      A couple of things I should clarify. The RD15 is pretty great, like, really really great. The Ridgeline guys are some of the only voices...
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      dms416 replied to the thread Ridgeline Defense RD-15 LPR.
      I hope the Hide never changes... Everywhere else on the net: "The average police sniper engagement is 72y.....you can't justify a...
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