
I'm especially into boltguns, and precision shooting. I like to read and learn more than posting, and all of the knowledge I accumulated about long distance shooting, up to 1000 yards, is now 25 years old, so I probably won't be able to contribute a whole lot, but I like the 6.5's and especially the 7mm's, so I'll be paying attention!

I've loved the No4 Lee Enfields all my life and am converting one to 306 CS (Confederate Sabre). It has the back end, rimmed case, of the 303 British, less body taper, and the front end of a 30-06, will shoot .308 bullets, gain 5-6 grains of case capacity, and match or come very close to matching the performance of the 308 Winchester at 303 pressures. Having fun with the project, which is a long term dream of mine.

Eschatology, family, guns

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Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee. ~Isaiah 26:3