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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      Please take 10 minutes to look up on any search engine you want. JD Vance may talk about wanting to do something, but in real life - in...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      If neither are for stopping it - are they both complicit? They are in my world.
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      That is running his mouth after the fact. I can not find anything where JD Vance as a Senator, and prior to all of the recent media...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      JD Vance was sworn in as Ohio's Senator in January of 2023 - since then as a Senator from Ohio - what has JD done to stem the tide of...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      9.9.24 Renewal of 13848 by Biden 12.18.23 Renewal of 13818 by Biden The hopium story (the modern version of Operation Trust) has been...
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      <--advocate for 1.93 height mount
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      Not germane to shit....but I had to, that riff after Dance Baby - sticky in the mind.
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread WTB Poor Man’s Steiner DBAL.
      FWIW - you may want to search (here and other forums) for a Steiner 9007. These were discontinued @ 2 or 3 yrs ago. IR only. The...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      If 1/2 of what the media says is true - how are the power and water still on? We're being lied to. The invaders are being aided and...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      Vote harder.......and remember - your local government servants and officials are fuckin you in pursuit of State & FED $$ to reinforce...
      • illegals crime as AI.jpeg
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      SEC Head Gary Gensler draft speech on: public good of disclosure Skeletor is trying to take the sting out Dodd Frank and the Bail...
      • Gensler draft speech leak.png
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread Lunar Landing.
      You really need to add Kubrick to the discussion otherwise you're leaving out such an important part of the story. Kubrick and his...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      • Screen Shot 2024-09-03 at 5.22.52 PM.png
      • Screen Shot 2024-09-03 at 5.20.40 PM.png
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread Rings for SR-25.
      Good luck finding that riser if that is a 22 MOA from BO those seem to have gotten rare. Every once in a while one will float through...
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      Detroit_1 replied to the thread PortaJohn.
      Not sure about Flynn or his brother, but I always found this to be an odd event:
      • EXSrDKJWkAY2mYd?format=jpg&amp;name=large.jpg
      • 1725210968942.png
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