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Featured content by DownhillFromHere

  1. D

    Question re new vs old H4350 lot

    Just cracked a new jug of H4350 and loaded a few test rounds to compare against identical loads with the old jug - same everything except powder. The new powder lot is 30-40fps slower than the old (6.5CM, 41.2gr H4350, Starline SRP brass w/ CCI450...
  2. D

    I said I'd always use MOA. I switched to mils because...

    ... of practical reasons I don't recall seeing in the 8,432,789 threads on the subject. Not to say the rationale isn't there; it just took experience for me to see the light. I was an MOA holdout - 60 years of shooting and MOA worked. I'm now a...
  3. D

    Using the Lapua rimfire test facility / shipping lesson learned!

    Reading @BigJimFish 's Sniper's Hide article about [URL='https://www.snipershide.com/22lr-lot-testing-at-lapuas-indoor-100m-test-facility-what-should-you-expect-in-gains/'].22LR lot testing at the Lapua Rimfire Performance...