• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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Featured content by Fig

  1. Fig

    The Meaning of The Flag

    On December 28, 1945, Congress made the Pledge of Allegiance the official national pledge to the U.S. flag. Noted clergyman Henry Ward Beecher (1813-87) reminded us what our flag means: [TABLE] [TR] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [TD]If one asks the...
  2. Fig

    Critical Race Theory

    Just about every leftist article you read starts by saying that CRT “is difficult to define”. This is a bald faced lie. CRT is as idiotically simple as it is idiotic. Victor Hansen does a good job of explaining that CRT is just plain old racism in...
  3. Fig

    Oregon to criminalize hunting (heroin is legal)

    Full retard https://www.gohunt.com/read/news/oregon-initiative-petition-13-proposes-to-criminalize-hunting#gs.68sjm7
  4. Fig

    Cats are not your friend

  5. Fig

    Army REJECTS Glock 19X, "It's a shitty pistol that is not worth the Army's time and money." - General James C. McConville, Army Chief of Staff

    LOL! Not really, Sig just barely beat them out, but I fucking hate Glock Fanbois! https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/12/15/why_the_us_army_passed_on_the_glock_19x_653195.html
  6. Fig

    Trump will win on election night, but...

    I had lunch today with a uber lefty attorney who was in town working on a deal. I may have given him the impression that I was also a Democrat... His sister-in-law works for MSNBC, and he told me that "the networks" have already decided not to call...
  7. Fig

    DOJ Files Anti Trust Suit against Google

    About fucking time!!! https://www.wsj.com/articles/justice-department-to-file-long-awaited-antitrust-suit-against-google-11603195203
  8. Fig

    Dog Posioned

    So, I'm sitting at breakfast, and my kid fumbles his ADD medication and it hits the floor, and before anyone can move Stupid has eaten it. Not that he had far to go. He sits like a barracuda under the kid's seats and waits for anything to fall...
  9. Fig

    I pulled my kid out of public school

    I’m in the best public school district in St. Louis by performance and academics. Two years ago the did an $80M renovation of the high school. It is now a superior facility to when I went to college. Over the top. 1. We got a letter saying the...
  10. Fig

    Happy Hiroshima Day!

    By the summer of 1945, it was becoming clear that the Allies would win World War II in the Pacific. But it was also clear that Japan intended to make it a long, ghastly fight. Some U.S. war planners feared that as many as 300,000 Americans could die...
  11. Fig

    Final: Trump 1 Mexico 0

  12. Fig

    Finally, it’s settled! TY thegunzone.com

    I was sick of all the “which sniper scope is best” threads https://thegunzone.com/best-sniper-scope-rifles-review/
  13. Fig

    American ISIS

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/17/us-woman-hoda-muthana-deeply-regrets-joining-isis-and-wants-return-home I say the same thing. Bering her home, try her for treason, and execute her.
  14. Fig

    Roger Stone OAF!!!

    First off, how did CNN happen to know exactly when he was going to be taken down? Prepositioned and everything staged? Were they staking out his house, or in bed with the Deep State? We were here waiting since...