Recent content by jwramp

  1. jwramp

    The AR15 Picture Thread

    Depends on the round. The 80gr felt like an air rifle and the 103s felt like another 5.56 style AR. But I’ve been shooting a 6.5cm gas gun for a while, so I’m kinda calibrated to that. It’s so much lighter and handier in the small frame.
  2. jwramp

    The AR15 Picture Thread

    That’s just the base layer we put down after blasting off the anodizing. The Prison Pink really makes FDE pop 😉 And still breaking in the barrel with factory rounds - hitting the range again tomorrow and will let you know. It’s a Rosco. Super handy build, feels awesome with the light can.
  3. jwramp

    The AR15 Picture Thread

    My first 6ARC, wanted to use a mk18 geissele rail with a 14.5”. We did a little hack job then cleaned it up and got it looking nice and FDE thanks to @LibertyArms spray skills.
  4. jwramp

    Night Vision IRay RH25 Micro video/picture thread

    Couple things coming from Overbore that may be relevant -
  5. jwramp

    What red dot are you running on your shotgun?

    Acro S2’s been great on the 725
  6. jwramp

    New RF bino from Vectronix!!! Vector X

    Being a binocular system, wouldn't the non-reticle eye help you see "through" the other one pretty well?
  7. jwramp

    Night Vision IRay RH25 Micro video/picture thread

    Can confirm FPGA: 0117 on the PFalcon is fantastico. Appears to be a legitimate upgrade from the first round of them a few years ago.
  8. jwramp

    New Boomslang 50 degree lens- testing

    I had someone blow up my DMs and swear I was an undercover spy for you over on the other forum. Still waiting on that first check 😂
  9. jwramp

    New Boomslang 50 degree lens- testing

    Looking forward to seeing these in person some time. Thought this might be a helpful visualization for the images you took -
  10. jwramp

    Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

    With the limited quality from the onboard recordings (512px@21fps) I tried upscaling to 60fps and 720p... it definitely looks smoother, so maybe something to try for folks that are wanting to use the recording feature on a regular basis. I do wish the focus range would let you get a sharp image...
  11. jwramp

    Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

    Well wouldja look at that. I just tested it and averaged over 10 display frames and got exactly 50fps now, instead of 43fps like I was showing with the NUC set to Auto. As a reminder, simultaneously pressing up and down buttons NUCs the unit, so maybe a decent workaround to get a little closer...
  12. jwramp

    Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

    Just got back from shooting some 5 stand under NODs and unboxed the Sidekick. Not seeing a huge change in lag or frame rate - the comparisons to a SKEET seem a little off-base for my particular unit, at least in the area of display responsiveness. Will have to find some more live targets this...
  13. jwramp

    Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

    lol I’ve held my tongue while waiting for the fixes… when I buy a “60fps” thermal and it’s clearly only showing me 38fps at the eyepiece when checked with high speed video… I get grumpy faced 😬 But the guys at Armasight have been pretty receptive to the long list of feedback items I sent over...
  14. jwramp

    Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

    Repaired unit being delivered back home to me tomorrow - looking forward to sharing my thoughts.