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Featured content by lonegunman762x51

  1. lonegunman762x51

    Ghetto blasting during robbery

    [SIZE=4]Ring camera catches hood rats trying to rob hood rat woman of her ghetto dogs. The lady in question apparently raises some kind of mini-pitbull, perfect for thug ladies to carry in their purse or something. She puts them for sale on...
  2. lonegunman762x51

    Retirement looms on the near horizon.......

    [SIZE=4]Retirement, the option to be done with it is a mere 12-18 months away. So the question is, do you call it done or grind it out until 65-67 and leave with more money and less health? I could literally bank another $500,000 if I stayed six...
  3. lonegunman762x51

    What idiot buys Green Bay Packers stock?

    [SIZE=4]So here is the concept. You give the Green Bay Packers $300 a share plus $35 bucks a share to print and mail a worthless piece of paper to you and they keep the money while you go fuck yourself. If you try and sell this worthless shit they...
  4. lonegunman762x51

    Never date a schoolteacher who makes amateur porn.......

    [SIZE=5] Today's story of love lost begins with a premise I hope most guys take to heart and use as the guidance it is intended to be. Honestly men, NEVER date a school teacher who makes amateur porn. Let's all climb in the wayback machine for a...
  5. lonegunman762x51

    Soy boi MMA fighter whips a broad.

    Strong powerful woman gets her ass kicked by soyboi proving once again that even the limpest dick in town is harder than a woman. It was a pathetic 60 secs to watch.
  6. lonegunman762x51

    Who the heck would want to drive a school bus?

    Possibly the worst job on earth for the shittiest people on earth, hauling the assholes of humanity to a school where they will do nothing all day and end up stupider than when you picked them up in the morning. My wife works for a school district...
  7. lonegunman762x51

    Democrats are racists plain and simple, they targeted Allen West for a media lynching.

    Democrats have been mad since we freed their slaves. When some of their former property goes off the plantation and dares to think, speak or live outside of the bounds they place on African Americans, the left lashes out. Currently, Allen West is...
  8. lonegunman762x51

    Kamaltoe graduation speech was a joke.

    [SIZE=4]Yesterday the dumbest vice president since Joe Biden made a speech at the Naval Academy graduation. She dithered on about some idiot woke female Marine wandering around the desert with a solar panel. Apparently, in 'tard world you can wander...
  9. lonegunman762x51

    Raging fatso gets blasted.

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/columbus-police-shot-16-year-old-knife-911-calls-body-cameras In the latest woke-a-doke episode a 16y/o 400 pounder with a knife who was stabbing people got shot and killed by a cop trying to stop...
  10. lonegunman762x51

    Yet another mass shooter with FBI ties.

    https://apnews.com/article/fedex-indianapolis-mass-shooting-e92ad3117c56357b3b2c71a2903e68a8 [SIZE=4]For the hundredth time in the last twenty years another mass killer has direct ties to the FBI. It comes as no surprise...
  11. lonegunman762x51

    "Girls We’re Friendzoning All The Good Guys"

    [SIZE=4]One of my buddies linked me this crap and had a laugh about his last girlfriend. He got kicked to the curb, she liked "bad boys" so she said. I thought it was pathetic for an over 50 hoochie but what the hell. Him and his $150K a year gig...
  12. lonegunman762x51

    The douche-bags of the world have a King

    https://www.foxnews.com/travel/instagram-couple-slammed-asking-fund-cycling-trip-africa Get a load of the shit show of humanity. The tattooed scumbag and his druggie girlfriend want everyone to fill their Go-Fund-me account...
  13. lonegunman762x51

    The Punisher is really a bucket of ass.

    I've been watching this plotless crap on Netflix. Most of their crap is SJW garbage, Trump bad, everyone is gay or lesbian or an aspiring tranny. Vets are all demented and seem to think they have the right to kill each other and everyone else on the...
  14. lonegunman762x51

    Wile E. Coyote dies in steam powered rocket crash

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8033605/Daredevil-Mad-Mike-Hughes-dies-age-64-launching-homemade-rocket.html The guy they apparently used as the model for Wile E. Coyote was killed doing stupid shit. The guy was a...
  15. lonegunman762x51

    6 Underground

    This movie is a complete bucket of assholes. The highlight is the smoking hot French lady from Inglorious Bastards is trying to actually act. I'm guessing she took the job for the money. Melanie Laurent is her name. If it had a plot, this might be...