The holds at 5 mils, in my use, give reference for 1 - 4 mils. I didn't personally find a need to have a tree starting at 1 mil. Gives a bit cleaner reticle while giving you windage reference points when holding 3+ mils for elevation.
Just here to say I loved my 1-8 VCOG. Only sold it because Trijicon doesn't make a 2-10 VCOG (ended up with a Mk5 2-10 for a bit more magnification).
If you like to dail, it is not for you. Great optic in every other detail though. Would love to have the funds to put one on my duty rifle.
Get on Leupold's core insider thing. I routinely see Mk4s going for 1-1.5k and Mk5s at 1.5-2k on their site. Finding it in stock, on Leupold's site, is another question.
I really dont get the hate for the non-illuminated TMR. I'm a huge fan of my 2-10 Mk5 for this category.
My only area of improvement would be a TMR/PR3 hybrid. Basically take a TMR and the inner 5 mils on the X and Y stadia be the PR3, but maintain the TMR open middle.
Big fan.
For future matches? We may vould consider it, but 1:00 works for most so they can go to church and then come to the match.
Of course I'll be watching church online due to doing match prep the afternoon prior and morning of.
Like I said mine was not tight (M4e1 with a Blackstone Arms barrel). Either way it shoots .7-1.5 moa depending on the day (me) and has a very predictable .2mil shift low.
I wouldn't sweat the barrel fit too much. Tighter is better sure, but it seems based on my sample of 1 that it may not...