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Featured content by sirhrmechanic

  1. sirhrmechanic

    Paradise by the Dashboard Light… RIP Meatloaf

    https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/meat-loaf-dead-at-74 So many great songs… RIP Meatloaf! Sirhr
  2. sirhrmechanic

    The Marksman -- Liam Neeson 2021

    Stumbled on this on cable... So far, about 30 minutes in... it's pretty formulaic. Looks kind of low budget. Ex Marine Sniper vs. Cartels. But Liam Neeson ain't bad. Nice M14! Looking like it's going to be a fun watch. Sirhr [COLOR=rgb(251...
  3. sirhrmechanic

    Potroast with a bit of Habanero for flavor....

    Served with some great crusty bread and a huge chunk of butter.... and slathered with Heinz 57... Is the greatest winter comfort food ever created. Fight me. Sirhr PS... if you have something better in mind... post it so I can make it. It's...
  4. sirhrmechanic

    Stay at home Karen!!!!

    So I’m up in Chardon Ohio. And had to get about 6 miles from I 90 down to Chardon. Took an entire hour. Because an endless chain of stupid fucking Karen’s in their goddamn SUVs and Mercedes with no fucking snow tires and no goddamn clue how to drive...
  5. sirhrmechanic

    Fair Winds and Following Seas, Demo Dick.... RIP Richard Marcinko

    Posted moments ago... about a guy who was controversial to be sure... but had leadership down to a science. Adios, warrior! Sirhr ...
  6. sirhrmechanic

    Classic example of what is wrong with 'news'

    Don't get me wrong... I like Breitbart. They tell stories that MSM won't. But they are no different from the uber leftist socialist journalists, in reality. Trying to sell clicks and get eyeballs and maximize their bottom line. Here's the 'gem'...
  7. sirhrmechanic

    Rural Americans use the most gas….

    Pete Buttigieg: Rural Drivers Should Buy Electric Cars Because They Use the Most Gas https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/29/pete-buttigieg-rural-drivers-should-buy-electric-cars-because-they-use-the-most-gas/ And here is why evil...
  8. sirhrmechanic

    Eight dead at Houston Concert???

    Amateurs... rank amateurs these rappers. Once again, us boomers showed folks how to do things right... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Who_concert_disaster Sirhr
  9. sirhrmechanic

    The "We All Started Somewhere" thread...

    So last weekend while hanging out at Precision Rifle Expo and drinking some adult beverages and eating boiled peanuts... the conversation turned to Harris Bipods (go figger...) and Tasco scopes. And to all the 'laughable' gear that everyone here...
  10. sirhrmechanic

    Gecko .45 move over, there is a new Sheriff in town!!!

    Spotted and photographed today in Columbus Ohio. This is the funniest thing you will see in the Internet all week. This is some kind of Wackenhut guy filling his Ersatz Ferrari with air at a filling station as we drove by. Krylon Racing stripes...
  11. sirhrmechanic

    I am getting old…

    So the Sako TRG was technically designed in 1989… as the TRG 21. Based on a Valmet design from 1984. Meaning my state-of-the-freaking-art TRG-22 is now a Vintage Sniper Rifle. That is sort of not fair. [ATTACH type="full"...
  12. sirhrmechanic

    Original Miami Vice... Starz Encore...

    Ok... so one of my dirty secrets is that I love Miami Vice... the original series! And it's all on Starz right now. Yeah... total '80s claptrap. But still one of those great series of history. No, I don't wear Armani jackets with T-shirts. Any...
  13. sirhrmechanic

    I'm just dropping this here for folks who like steak...

    https://www.mashed.com/243249/the-best-steakhouse-in-every-state/ And https://www.mashed.com/621794/mail-order-steaks-ranked-from-worst-to-best/ As a big fan of KC Cattle Co... nice to see them at...
  14. sirhrmechanic

    Wrath of man

    Anyone seen it? The preview on YouTube looked interesting. But could also be retarded... and I don't want to spend $6 watching it on Pay-per-Get-Screwed... if it sucks. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Sirhr
  15. sirhrmechanic

    Rumor that Diane Feinstein Kicked the bucket???

    Just wondering if anyone has seen or heard anything. Sirhr