• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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Recent content by solocam

  1. S

    Night Vision IRay RH25 Micro video/picture thread

    Been thinking about getting one of these for a scanner. I have 2 thermal scopes already and a PVS-14. What would everyone recommend for a helmet mounted thermal paired with a PVS-14?
  2. S

    175gr ELD-X

    Thank you very much!
  3. S

    H1000 in stock at mw

    Yeah been waiting for almost 5 years for this stuff. Really want to try RL-26 to compare, but Alliant powders are unobtainium right now.
  4. S

    175gr ELD-X

    175gr ELD-X and H-1000 for 7mm Rem Mag. looking for starting load and max load data. Huge discrepancy between my manuals in max loads. Hornady’s 8th edition says max load of 60.4gr. ELLD-X isn’t listed, it’s spire point. Lyman 50th says 71gr. Don’t really care about other powders or...
  5. S

    Anyone shooting 7 PRC.

    Peterson is going to start making brass for the 7PRC.
  6. S

    Seekins 7PRC

    pulled the trigger on the Element in 7PRC. Dude you’re not going to be disappointed. It’s a very accurate rifle. I shot factory 175g ELD-X today and got 2885 fps from the 22” barrel. Recoil seemed a little less than my heavier 7mm RM. Now we just need more factory ammunition.
  7. S

    Gun insurance?

    My collection of firearms, reloading gear and ammunition has grown to the point where it would be quite devastating if something catastrophic happened, whether it would be theft, fire etc. My insurance agent wants me to list out what I have, I’m a little hesitant to do that. What are you guys...
  8. S

    Seekins 7PRC

    sounds very similar to the package deal I’m looking at from Scheels. Except it has Leupold VX-6 3-18. I agree it is stupid light. Just a little concerned about recoil from such a light rifle.
  9. S

    Seekins 7PRC

    Looking at the Seekins Havak Element in 7PRC for a lightweight mountain Elk hunting gun. 6# rifle with a 1:8 twist 22” barrel. It’s light, and short enough to add a suppressor without being too heavy or making it too long. What does the hide think?
  10. S

    Using Kroil in a barrel

    Thanks for that. Going to start using Frog Lube from now on.
  11. S

    New tech and advancements are here. Whats the new best AR15 cartridge?

    for a military perspective I understand.556. lighter, can carry more ammo, and flat enough to shoot at combat distances. if going suppressed, its hard to beat the .300bo. crazy quiet
  12. S

    NVG or Gear

    i have both thermal and PVS-14. if i had to choose just one, i’d go with thermal hands down. after getting thermal i see way more things at night. thermal is a game changer.
  13. S

    Bearing Optics Phenom 640x480

    Curious, how do you physically attach the external battery to the scanner?
  14. S

    Bearing Optics Phenom 640x480

    Those who have a Phenom, what’s your battery life in colder weather? Thanks
  15. S

    Night Vision Thermal Scope Recommendations

    Kirsch, Did Bering ever come up with a external battery mount for the phenom? The phenom interests me a lot, but the battery life in 10 deg and colder concerns me.