Featured content by Starbuck

  1. Starbuck

    Gaming the NRL-22 Offhand Stages - does anyone GAF?

    So I shot an NRL-22 match today here in Colorado. A good shooter who I know, and who shall remain nameless, was tearing up the "standing offhand" stage by squatting, like he was taking a shit in the forest, resting both elbows on both knees, thereby...
  2. Starbuck

    Colorado Rifle Club - Long Range Rimfire Match

    Match Description: [LIST] This match is designed to be fast-paced, fun, safe, and to challenge competitors’ practical field shooting skills. Such skills include rapid target acquisition, magazine and DOPE changes during shot strings, and...
  3. Starbuck

    Boulder Rifle Club Long Range Rimfire Match ***CANCELLED****

    Match Description: [LIST] This all-steel match is designed to simulate “field” and “hostage” shooting scenarios. The match is designed to be challenging, fast-paced, fun, and safe, with competitors’ down-time kept to a minimum. Eight (8)...