Featured content by supercorndogs

  1. supercorndogs

    The LRHS 3-12x44 Ahead of the Market.

    When the 3-12 LRHS came out I think there were a lot less people willing to drop 1k on a scope, and most of the market for FFP "tactical" scopes were long range shooters, primarily. I think the crowd here has changed a lot over the years. With the...
  2. supercorndogs

    Fed-ex, new cable man

    Signature required for your package sir, we will be by between 11:10am and 4:45pm. Thanks. Ok, I will be waiting on the front porch...
  3. supercorndogs

    Am I being unreasonable here?

    I purchased a Remage barrel from another member. It was built by a fairly well known maker. I get the barrel in, throw it in my vice and start to thread on a QD for a suppressor and the threads are loose. So I pull it and mic it. .612 is the major...
  4. supercorndogs

    Has it really only been......

    https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/steiner-tactical-4-16x50-g2b-mildot.163509/ If someone would have asked me this morning what year the the Stenier 4-16x50 tactical scope came out. I would have said maybe like 2006...
  5. supercorndogs

    COVID quarantine, implications on numbers

    In Colorado people who have had one of the shots, are no longer asked to quarantine when exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID. This despite knowing that vaccinated people both catch and spread COVID just like the "unvaxed." The...
  6. supercorndogs

    Nice MR President.

  7. supercorndogs

    Water leak.

    My tenant calls me the other day and tells me he has no hot water. He said I came home and the hot water heater was off and no hot water, so he lit the pilot. I told him it would take some time to heat up the tank, and let know if he had none the...
  8. supercorndogs

    You ever get bored?

    Waiting for the sun to come up, so you can go to the range?
  9. supercorndogs

    Violent shit show continues.

    The media narrative was always that this would go on until Trump was out of office. Looks like they are about as enthusiastic about Biden as the rest of us. Who voted for him??? 🤣 😂 🤣 [URL...
  10. supercorndogs

    Are stubborn and stupid one and the same?

    @Foul Mike Yep, I broke another shovel.....🤣 😂 🤣
  11. supercorndogs

    So I thought I was the only stupid.......

    Yesterday morning i left home at 5am to glass for some elk. I had left my shoes on the front porch the night before, because I cleaned dog poop in back yard and stepped on a mine. So, I scoop the poop out of the tread with a stick and left them on...
  12. supercorndogs

    More outright lies.

    "Bent county cases are rising at an unprecedented rate, there are multiple outbreaks at facilities that employ the majority of people in our county, and our hospitals are overrun." There are no...
  13. supercorndogs

    Good bye old Friend.

    You were the best shovel a boy could ask for. You have been with me, digging holes, killing snakes, and performing the occasional duty of a man sized bug swatter since I was seven years old. I thought I had lost you last year, but a little welding...
  14. supercorndogs

    For Safeties Sake.

    Go check what your schools are using for disinfectant. Our schools were using one two approved disinfectants. They use every other desk in the classroom switching between classes. They were instructed to spray down every desk that is used and leave...
  15. supercorndogs

    Possible historic targets?

    What is the biggest monument in the world built by slaves?