No I haven't seen that video they put out. So I just watched it now. What 210gr bullet was used? Also what type of ballistic gelatin is that also? What velocity was the bullets fired at? Was one 50fps faster then the other?
The video says a 9 twist vs a 3 twist. So let's say it's all accurate and that portrays shows that the 3 twist is making a slightly bigger wound cavity. Now show a test on a 5 twist vs a 3 twist? Would there be a difference?
Also you have to show more than just two blocks tested. It would be nice to know the data or shown more then just two blocks. What was the average for each when you shot it into 10 blocks from each twist? That would give you a clearer picture.
When places are doing testing for the FBI for bullets and they have to shoot into ballistic gelatin.... guess what... you are doing a lot of testing.
The designer of the cartridge or should I say the ammo maker that set the standard picks sets the spec's for the test barrel data/info. So if the 3 twist is so much better.... why isn't the 3 twist picked for the standard? Why did they go with 5 twist?
I might know who set the spec for it. I'll reach out to them and ask and see what I come up with.
Quality of the barrels bore finish etc... and again with really fast twist rates.... can make accuracy issues worse as well as effect bullets coming a part/blowing up right when they are leaving the barrel besides the velocity playing a part as well.
I agree, of course, it's just a marketing video and nothing conclusive can be drawn (that's why I'm researching it and seeking objective opinions about it - all I've seen is the hype).
I believe - but don't know for a fact - that it was Gorilla ammo as that's what it seems like all the Faxon/Q marketing videos feature:
*This Product is not eligible for any/all discount codes*
Q/Faxon+Gorilla seem to be the primary marketing machine behind 8.6
Here's another one:
So why insist on something that is as problematic the 3 twist. That is a mistake and brings nothing beneficial to the table, as this video shows...shot to shot variation in the bullets and gelatin makeup, would so up with the same twist being used.
I have a 3 twist 8.6 and its very limited on bullet choices, and accur a cy is wholly lacking. The worst barrel interior I've ever inspected. Before giving up on the 8.6 I ordered a 338 6.5 twist and a 8.6 reamer is in the mail.
As it is with the 3 twist, I would not recommend the cartridge to a friend.
If I'm reading you correctly, the Faxon stuff has not impressed you?

After absorbing the marketing of the 8.6 hype machine over the last few months, I was thinking maybe I'd discovered my Unicorn caliber. Something with substantially more range & power than .300 when running subsonic, while also being extremely quiet suppressed.
What's primarily motivating me these days is the tinnitus in my right ear - it's quite bad at this point after 35 years of .308. I'm at the point where I can't enjoy the range anymore unless everyone there is shooting suppressed (my right ear rings for a few days after a range day, even with multiple layers of hearing protection), and most of the hunting I do is 300-500 yards, so I've just never been a big fan of .300 (not dissing it - just never loved it), so I was thinking 8.6 might be my ticket to a quiet round with enough energy for the range I like to work at. All I've ever hunted with my entire life is .308...I'm not much into diversity...also I scored 100K rounds of crated .308 back in the mid-90's, so that contributed to my lack of motivation to diversify...
There's a company I was looking at, GQ Armory, that sells very nice but also very expensive turnkey 8.6 builds and manufactures their own match grade 8.6 barrels. I spoke to the owner, Quinn, about some of this stuff (prior to inquiring on this forum). He expressed some similar, though not as strong, opinions about Faxon barrels. He was probably being diplomatic. His builds are very nice, well reviewed, but not cheap...of course nothing is these days. He seemed like a good guy on the phone - even though he is spooling up manufacturing his own cans for 8.6, he recommended I go for another brand (Diligent Defense DTF-LTI) if I chose to dive in right away. I'll call him back and get his thoughts on the 1:5 SAAMI spec, which I wasn't aware of, and if he plans to go that route with future barrels.
Here's a cool suppressor comparison video with 8.6: