Ballistic Advantage Nitrided barrels


Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
I decided to start a new thread instead of bringing it up in the other one. I noticed that BA now offers a QPQ (nitride finish) stainless barrel. Anyone running them? I'm guessing they should last pretty well.
In my fairly small sample size, it appears that nitrided 4150 barrels will last around 30% longer than bare stainless. Haven't killed a nitrided stainless barrel yet though.
Definitely not a scientific test on my part, and enough variables at play that I could easily swing that percentage significantly with the way I used the barrels.
I'm pretty sure that all BA's QPQ barrels previously were CMV, and the OP is saying that they are now offering QPQ stainless steel barrels. I also heard they are now making CHF barrels in-house, but I haven't verified that.
Totally read over the stainless, my bad. BA Stainless nitride has been out a 2-3 years. CHF chrome lined would be greatly appreciated.