Yes, I had exactly one pierced primer in early December, 2023 about 135 rounds before the first failure. I backed the load off by 0.3 gr from there in case I was using it when it got warmer. If that can be a cause of the issue I would readily and openly admit it.Have you had ANY pierced primers? Simple yes or no.
When Tate inspects your action and finds that everything is within spec, make sure you post that here for everyone to see. As for the email responses you have received, they are not meant to be insulting. They just have to take into account the absolute dumbest individual that may be reading them on the other end.......and I assure you, they are justified. Anyone that knows Tate knows that he takes care of business, far better than most. This may be a situation where its best for Impact to just buy the receiver back from you. If that is an option you'd like to take, it can be arranged.
And I will gladly update especially if it is something I did wrong! I just have gotten almost NO response on a $1400 action. I hope I'm coming across accurately here. I don't think Impact actions are bad, that's why I bought them. I'm just pretty disappointed in the response I received when I reported a (very serious) issue.