Supporting our Veterans: New Product -- worth a try!


Who cares
Full Member
  • Feb 7, 2013
    La Honda
    I think most of us here love to support the people willing to put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. In the last few years, some of these individuals have started businesses with a quality, no-compromise product. A great example is Black Rifle Coffee to many of the products we use to shoot our matches.

    Anyway, Dave Castro, Former Navy Seal, CrossFit Guru (officially he's more than that), Competitive Rifle Shooter, and Match Director, started a new company selling super bougie Extra Virgin Olive Oil.. While I've shot matches against Dave (the guy can shoot), I have no affiliation with him.

    I bought a few bottles to give away as gifts, but was so happy with the product, that I put most of it in my cabinet.

    Anyway, I opened my box and snapped a couple of images with my phone..

    TDC oil.jpg

    True story, the flag in the background blew in the frame even though there was not much wind at the time. I was just placing the bottle on my deck to have the valley across my backyard as a backdrop.. Cool picture but super weird.

    Here is a link the Dave's product page.

    Here is a clip of him being interviewed

    Anyway, I've been on here for a long time, and have lots of threads so hopefully you can see I am genuine..

    Hopefully, you'll pay him a visit, maybe get a gift for someone..

    Thanks for listening,

    Long time fan of Dave. Everything he does, he cares about. I know him through the CF, worked with some of his boys, but never officially met him. From everythign I have read, and heard from close friends that do know him, he's a good dude.