Trudeau’s Canada: Canadian Police Advise Leaving Car Keys in Front Door to Deter Break-Ins and Minimize Conflict with Thieves.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

Toronto Police Service (TPS) Constable Marco Ricciardi
In the face of an alarming rise in car thefts, Toronto Police Service (TPS) Constable Marco Ricciardi has offered a controversial tip to residents: leave car keys in the front door to avoid violent home invasions.

During a community safety meeting in Etobicoke, Constable Ricciardi addressed the issue, stating, “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.”

In short, don’t make it hard for thieves to steal your car. This is what an unarmed society looks like.

This suggestion has come as Toronto grapples with a car theft rate that sees a vehicle stolen every six minutes, a costly crime spree racking up nearly $1 billion annually, according to the Canadian Finance and Leasing Association (CFLA).

Toronto has witnessed a 400% surge in home invasions and break-ins for auto thefts, underscoring a troubling trend of increased violence and the use of firearms by criminals targeting vehicles, Global News reported.

Toronto Police Service released the following statement:

An officer at a recent community meeting suggested that people leave the keys to their vehicle in a faraday bag by the front door. While well meaning, there are also other ways to prevent auto theft motivated home invasions. For additional context, in Toronto, home invasions and break and enters for auto theft occurrences rose 400 percent in 2023. Police are concerned about an escalation in violence, where all sorts of weapons and firearms are being used to steal vehicles, and that includes during home invasions. While Toronto Police have always advised the public to prioritize your safety over your vehicle, here are ways members of the public can protect themselves, their homes and their vehicles:
  • Park vehicles in garage, if possible
  • Ensure your driveway is well lit and keep exterior lights on all night
  • Security cameras are an asset
  • If possible, install a home security system – activate alarm on STAY when home and AWAY when out
  • Consider having a motion detection alarm connected to your cell phone
  • Put security film on glass windows and doors
  • Have multipoint door locks on your doors
  • Keep backyard gates locked and ground windows secured
  • Do not post on social media when you will be away on holiday
  • Report suspicious vehicles/persons in the neighbourhood to police

The TPS’s advice to leave keys in a faraday bag by the front door, which can prevent the keys from being remotely accessed by thieves, has indeed sparked debate.

Former litigator, Viva Frei on X wrote, “Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s Canada. Where guns are illegal. Except criminals have them, and you don’t. And the police are imploring you to leave your keys at the front door so armed criminals can steal your cars, and hopefully spare your life. It’s been a while since I’ve said it, but FUCK YOU Justin Trudeau!”


Toronto Police Service (TPS) Constable Marco Ricciardi
In the face of an alarming rise in car thefts, Toronto Police Service (TPS) Constable Marco Ricciardi has offered a controversial tip to residents: leave car keys in the front door to avoid violent home invasions.

During a community safety meeting in Etobicoke, Constable Ricciardi addressed the issue, stating, “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.”

In short, don’t make it hard for thieves to steal your car. This is what an unarmed society looks like.

This suggestion has come as Toronto grapples with a car theft rate that sees a vehicle stolen every six minutes, a costly crime spree racking up nearly $1 billion annually, according to the Canadian Finance and Leasing Association (CFLA).

Toronto has witnessed a 400% surge in home invasions and break-ins for auto thefts, underscoring a troubling trend of increased violence and the use of firearms by criminals targeting vehicles, Global News reported.

Toronto Police Service released the following statement:

The TPS’s advice to leave keys in a faraday bag by the front door, which can prevent the keys from being remotely accessed by thieves, has indeed sparked debate.

Former litigator, Viva Frei on X wrote, “Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s Canada. Where guns are illegal. Except criminals have them, and you don’t. And the police are imploring you to leave your keys at the front door so armed criminals can steal your cars, and hopefully spare your life. It’s been a while since I’ve said it, but FUCK YOU Justin Trudeau!”

Can Canada be anymore faggotry??????????
They voted for these people,

Did they though? How would anyone know or confirm where our votes go towards? Its a 100% blind system. You could have 100 people vote and 99 of them vote for candidate X and when the results come in they could tell you candidate Y won in a 55/45 vote and you and everyone have no choice but to believe them. The people collecting the ballots are paid off, the ballot counting machines are programmed and owned (paid off), the people in charge of it all are paid off, and the places where you dont need an ID is just a free for all. If I want to know where my vote was counted towards.... I cant. No one can find out either its all anonymous. Unless those 100 people mentioned above all talk to each other... none of them would ever know the outcome was different and their vote was skewed. Biden got 81 million votes... how can you prove them any different? System is 100% broken for us and 100% fixed for them running it.
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Did they though? How would anyone know or confirm where our votes go towards? Its a 100% blind system. You could have 100 people vote and 99 of them vote for candidate X and when the results come in they could tell you candidate Y won in a 55/45 vote and you and everyone have no choice but to believe them. The people collecting the ballots are paid off, the ballot counting machines are programmed and owned (paid off), the people in charge of it all are paid off, and the places where you dont need an ID is just a free for all. If I want to know where my vote was counted towards.... I cant. No one can find out either its all anonymous. Unless those 100 people mentioned above all talk to each other... none of them would ever know the outcome was different and their vote was skewed. Biden got 81 million votes... how can you prove them any different? System is 100% broken for us and 100% fixed for them running it.
Green, don't let it bother you. Snapperheads like that says such, because they too are the ones who voted for the oBOMBination, and Xiden, and probably Carter too. There just ain't not getting through to that level of felony stupid.
Were your last elections legit up there?
As much as I hate to say it, I have to 'believe' that they were legit. THE PROBLEM IS..... the fact that we have what so many of your fellow countrymen/women are clamoring for, which is a "more than 2 party system".

Our biggest problem is, we have at least 3 different "liberal/democrat/commie" parties, as well as at least 2 "conservative/republican" parties. And then some.....

So, just using those 5 parties I alluded to above, how much 'percent' does it take to be the highest standing party? 21%. Think about that, next time ANYONE decides or publicly states that "they need more than 2 parties to be good"..... all it takes is 21% of similar-minded people to become the "minority leader".

Tell me that process doesn't suck! I dare ya!

(obviously, I have over-simplified the math, but the POINT is what is essential for getting across. And I have been TRYING to get this point across, for a lot of years. And no, I'm not implying that you are a supporter of this process, I'm just blatantly using this tangent of conversation to bring it up again, in the hopes that it'll shine actual light in more peoples eyes. Thank you for the soap-box)
What a bunch of Fucking Cunts, full blown retards.
What’s there insurance company going to say when you aided a criminal to have access to your car and they killed a whole familey with said vehicle !