6 cops mag dump suspect from about 25 feet....and missed.

Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
are you serious? 6 cops firing,what,25 rounds with no hits? aren't the cops supposed to be above average gun slingers? they are allowed to carry weapons,use them at their own discretion,use them effectively. also,not blasting away uncontrolled in a setting that looks like a danger of stray shots going who knows where. whether they are more effective shooters than any poster here,they are supposed to be responsible and skilled at a higher level. just another example of cop incompetence,bad judgement and general uselessness. nothing new.
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Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
The mounted hog over my desk here with a .45 bullet hole in the side of his head thinks I can make that running shot.
Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
I can put high percentage on a silhouette with a glock and iron sights at 75 yards.
So headshots at 20 yards aren’t really that hard. I mean with a full mag I’m pretty sure I could connect with one or two, running or not.
Don’t know where you’re from, but I’ve only seen a handful of cops who were gunslingers. Gun carriers? Gun shit talkers? Yes plenty.

Gunslingers? Not.

aren't the cops supposed to be above average gun slingers? ….. they are supposed to be responsible and skilled at a higher level.
Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
What job are you sucking up for? You're going to have to spend some time in a tanning bed so the rest of your body matches your brown nose.

Remember the bank robbery in LA several years back. Those guys were wearing body armor and most of the cops were carrying revolvers. You can watch the video on YouTube and see the bad guys taking hits. Those guys were actually being shot at by guys with ARs and they made hits from further distance with revolvers.
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Subject retreated into the house as they started firing. Not to mention a good amount of distance.

So while yes, they likely need some range time, you guys should spend some time reading the entire story.

Or open a business as firearm instructors as you all clearly think you can hit a person running into a house @ 20yds with your handgun on command.
He was standing still in the open when they opened fire. The cops were firing with support from the hood and roof of the car. The first salvo should have fragged the guy but they missed then he ducked into the house to avoid the other 5000 rounds.
Just like the Secret Service diversity hire, a female agent on the VP Harris detail, went bizerk and was throwing femine sanitary products at another agent, before jumping him and punching about the head.
She was subdued and arrested by the other agents, her gun was secured.
Political hires...the new woman in charge of the agency, is totally political.
The cocaine in the Whitehouse cover up, by the Secret Service...they know who's cocaine it is...but aren't saying. Incompetence, lies, corruption, and cover-ups make up your government.
And the IRS and AI, have been unleashed on every US Bank account by the Biden Administration to check your financial activities, to make sure the average American is paying his fair share of taxes..with a boat load of new taxes coming in the next year.
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Maybe it's just the lights, but they all looked Okie white to me. Any other cognitive biases you'd like to throw into the mix?
Diverse, aint just the color....it's all the alphabet soup crowd...or any group deemed oppressed, like the white Admiral Rachel...many new hires are anything but merit.
And government stats say all the new jobs since Covid 19 have gone to immigrants legal and illegal. Citizens have lossed jobs according to US government stats...so skin color may have nothing to do with it...
White people can’t be illegal aliens? That’s pretty racist.
Yes, they are... coming from 160 countries. Ukraine has a many thousands of young men fleeing the war, many coming through our southern border...as one example.
Illegal immigration is about immigration, not skin color, the whole world is coming to the US, although many in power do not particularly appear to want more white skinned people.
Nancy Pelosi 's husband's gay lover who hit him in the head with a hammer, was a white Canadian, here illegally. 50 million illegals of all backgrounds, religions, races.